Wednesday, April 30, 2008

They want their word back!

Okay, this article is just plain interesting. I had to comment, as it has caused the linguist in me to do battle with the belief to control one’s personal identity in me.

The original article is here:

Apparently some residents of the Island of Lesbos are seeking to have the term “lesbian” legally restricted to no longer have connotations with homosexuality. One has to wonder if this is going to go the way of Parmesan cheese (which by the way, is now technically restricted to meaning cheese that is produced in Italy’s Parmesan region—read that article here:

I have to say, I thought it was ridiculous when I first heard it, but I have to say I admire the plaintiffs’ pluck. Maybe they should get their term back. At the same time, I’m guessing there are many lesbians out there who would consider this word to also be theirs, and I would give them equal standing in their rights to claim it--as a linguist, I feel that words belong to everyone.

The linguist in me would like to make a modest proposal here—traditionally, the term applied to persons of a region is capitalized. Maybe we could agree that the term Lesbian shall formally mean a native of the island (with a capital L) and the term lesbian shall henceforth be the descriptor of homosexual women. I don’t think either group would be entirely satisfied with this arrangement, but hey, that’s the point of compromise, right? To make both groups equally unhappy?

Seriously though—I do feel for both sides of this argument. I hope a conclusion is reached whereby we can all still identify ourselves as we would wish without attached stigma, but I doubt that will happen. It rarely does in this world.

The most controversial news in words since the attempt to turn French Fries into Freedom Fries,

Sunday, April 27, 2008


When life gives you juicer, buy lemons!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Mr. Q stole my Identity

Mr. Q stole my Identity! Well not really but almost! As you all know Mr. Q and I ripped off the bandage, and tied the knot. Then before I know it I'm changing my name! The name given to me at birth!
I have heard horror stories about the changing of the name process. Something a kin to having your legs slowly eaten by ravines goats! Alas I find my self a Army wife and changing my name appeared easer than filling out all the Army paper work that says I have a different name than my husband. As luck would have it no one I talked to was able to tell me what I had to do and what order I had to do it in to make the change. So now that I know I'm going to wright it down so other people can benefit from my hard work.

Step one!
Find your SS card, and Birth Certificate (these will be your best friend)
Make sure you have your drivers license and most importantly a copy of your marriage license. (you will be asked to show this every ware so be sure to get more than one copy from the city)

Step two!

(re-check to make sure you have everything before you leave the house)

Go to the bank and get some cash in bills $20 and under!

Apparently the DMV is picky.

Step three!

Go to the DMV with all you papers and a book cause your going to be there a for a bit. (remember to say “yes” to organ and tissue donation!)

They will give you a temp paper for you license, keep you old drivers license! As you will be asked to show it every ware even though its not longer valid.

Keep it even after you get your new one so if you forget to change something you can show them both Drivers license.

Step four!

The SS office. (insert your favorite horror movie’s music here)

There is a form you need to fill out to apply for a new SS card. Unless your in there computer system. I’m not sure how one gets into there computer system but I just I’m just a lucky duck because I was. I also managed to make it to the office when no one else was there. It was amazing! I walked in and there was three people there two behind the desk and a security guard. The security guard gets up and hands me a number. O the Irony!

Step five!

Go to the bank and get all you information changed over.

Warning: I had my credit ran to day at the bank and it came up as fraud because it has not make it to the credit bureau that my name has changed.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Congrats To Mr. and Mrs. Q!

The counter is up! Q is now officially a housewife, and we all congratulate her!

The wedding count-down has now been replaced by a new feature title "The Ambassador's Affair"--I will now explain. Mr. Borealis's best friend is a womanizer. He likes to keep his relationships long-distance, earning him the nickname the Ambassador of Foreign Affairs. He's dated woman from Germany, France, and Korea, just to name a few, but he's recently trying something new.

The Ambassador has a girlfriend (she's Puerto Rican) and she's moving from across the country to live in our state. Now, some of you might think this is mean, but here it is--I don't think this little social experiment will last. I've known the Amabassador long enough to know that he'll get bored with this new girl, let's call her Lady A, as soon as she's available for actual dates.

So to fill the void that Q's impending marriage has left, I've created a place for us to bet on how long the relationship lasts (not that I don't wish the Ambassador the best--Heaven knows he needs a woman in his life). I'm betting they break up by midnight of August 31st, and (if I remember correctly, but please correct me if I'm wrong) DoHP claimed September 30th. So please place your bets!

It's legal if it's just for bragging rights,

Monday, April 14, 2008

Couple more silly videos

All I've got time for is silly videos (as opposed to serious blogging). Something went "NOM NOM NOM" with a lot of my time and leaving me wondering where my suitcase is and where the giant pile of laundry came from.

Engineers and cats
Wake up!
Pirates! (approximately)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fun Videos

My turn!

I love the animation to this old classic:

And this one is for DoHP:

End of the Semester Clumsiness

Hey all--no pics this post. Sorry.

The end of the semester draws near and my clumsiness increases. I blame the OTC sleeping supplements I tend to take when life gets hectic (and then I do an energy drink to wake up). It's a vicious cycle, I do realize, but at the same time I only do this for two 3 week periods a year, so I learn to deal.

My poor weakened immune system and lack of concentration are not doing good things to me. I have a blister on my foot, an ambiguous skin lesion on my neck that I'm treating for ring worm (just to be sure), and two days ago I almost chopped my finger off with a large kitchen knife while chopping potatos--straight through the finger nail! (I bet you're happy I didn't post a pic now, right?) Of course, it had to be the middle finger, resulting in many jokes since.

DoHP, I'm desperately trying to get the downstairs shower finished, and hopefully it will be by the time you're in town so you can have your own bath. I've asked Mr. Borealis to call and harass his father, The Procrastinator, to get off his butt and do the wall texturing (he has a special machine that the rest of us don't know how to use) so we can paint and caulk. Normally I would find this funny because I tried to convince Mr. Borealis that The Procrastinator was not the man for the job because he can never finish anything in a timely manner, but now that I've been stuck with a ripped up downstairs bath for more than 7 months, I'm just too perturbed.

"I told you this would happen!"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I know Q won't look anywhere else, and I feel that she needs some silly things to watch right about now.

So now Q, sit back, relax, order some Chinese food, put on some Gilmore Girls, maybe a little more Gilmore Girls, play a silly game, and relax.

I am still alive!

Hello ladies!
I have not posted for a long time, and I know my presence has been missed! Getting married is stress full but I would not miss it for the world. Were a week and a half away and not everyone has a invite yet, I know I know they should have gone out by now but its just not done! The stress has hit the fan as they say. (well maybe thats just what I say)
missing you!