Tuesday, July 27, 2010


What I see when I look at Q's final. ;)

Check out my final project: Artistic Reflections on Deepwater Horizon. I did the site building & design & technical mumbo jumbo.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Final

Hey Ladies,
This is a Apron I made in Class, do you think its too... fun... for craft sales?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Between a fire and a gas leak

Ever hear the expression "between a rock and a hard place"? Well I am stuck between a fire and a gas leak. Today Mr Man went out on the AT V's to a wilderness area and what did he run into but a newly sparked wild fire lit by lightning so he spent his day trying to put that out and we have a manged wild fire about 5 miles away that means that they aren't trying to put it out just keep it from getting out of control. As for the gas leak my town has two gas stations and one of them is expanding and someone messed up and created a gas spill right in the middle of town pretty much shutting the town down and for a town with one road down it well with that shut down no one goes anywhere. Well hopefully they cleaned everything up and they will be back to normal soon. And Mr Man and his buddies managed to contain the fire they were at so that it didn't get out of control. We will see what happens tomorrow regarding the fires and gas spills. My sister and I spent all day making Black berry jam. Yummy. and I had a fish commit suicide trying to chase a smaller fish it got stuck and well everyone knows that if a fish isn't swimming it dies. Well that sums up my week.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Not to Toot my Own Horn but.....

TOOT TOOT!!!!!!!!

This week I took a class on making hats. In four days I was able to form 5 hats and this is the one I got completely done. I am very proud of myself, and you can officially reefer to me as a Mad Hatter! I love this hat, its truly amazing! I was able to buy a hat block from my teacher and rest assured hats are going to accompany me to craft sales now.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Parents, Bookstores, and Earning it

My first pea harvest this year--45 pods in total.

Q can tell all of you how I've been drooling over her new Barnes and Noble Nook the last few weeks. I will caveat here that Fuzzy owns a Kindle, an equally awesome product. After weeks of obsessive research, I elected that the Nook would be my product because it's more hackable than the Kindle, despite the fact that Kindle has a heartier brand, a longer and better tested run in the market, and what is generally considered the more user-friendly interface. Nook is has more open file formats and expandable memory, which for me as an individual, were strongly needed features.

I've wanted an e-reader for some time now, but have been holding out due to the price and skepticism over the quality of newly released technology. Generally, I have a 1-year rule for this kind of stuff; new products have problems that need to be worked out. Example: the Xbox 360 red ring of death, the hacked iPad, and the read-aloud feature on the Kindle that got canceled due to copyright infringement. The first round of sales are the last round of tests, and when it comes to shelling out a C-note or more, I like to learn from others' use and abuse stories to know exactly what I'm getting.

I finally settled that I would wait until my birthday, and use gift cards to offset the cost. Then, yesterday, I got an email at work from a research colleague. She had just gotten back from Spain, where she had presented our research from earlier this year to an international group of experts, and several had responded with great enthusiasm! Our research will be featured as a chapter in a book, and I have been invited to write up an additional report on my research methodologies. I got kudos all day, and from my supervisors especially. My main supervisor told me that having my first big publication at 25 was excellent--he didn't author until he was 42. I spent the whole afternoon thinking about my parents, and how grateful I was that they had fostered my academic and literary interests. When the book comes out, I'm going to get a gigantic magnet and stick it to their fridge.

Later in the day, I'm driving home, and as a planned errand, I stop at Barnes and Noble to check out the Nook in person and quiz the sales reps. Walking up to the door, I'm hit with a huge wave of nostalgia, because this was the bookstore of my youth. I'd spent hours in there while my mom or dad just patiently waited on a couch somewhere, browsing fiction, science, art...This was the store that started it. In some small way, that Barnes and Noble contributed to my love of reading, writing, and research. And on the day that I got confirmation of getting published, in the topic of language and the next generation of technology, I wanted to celebrate by getting something from my old friend, the bookstore, and it seemed only appropriate that it would be something to do with the next generation of literature and technology.

I went home, I got my husband, and we went back and got the Nook (I didn't actually need Mr. B to make the purchase, but I wanted him there for my moment of nostalgia and victory dance). I'm counting it as my early birthday present, and I LOVE it. DoHP, Munchkin, you need e-readers--I've had mine for just over 12 hours and it's already changed my life.
