Thursday, January 24, 2013


Well we are almost their! I am on 2 day a week Doctor visits, what fun that is. I have been very good at pyramid solitaire. But otherwise not doing too much.  Little man is doing good still not sure if he really gets it that he is having a baby sister, but that will all come in time.  I am a little worried Mr mans work has him working 2 hours away from the hospital and my mom is at home 3 hours away so if I go into labor early and have to have an emergency c-section I will be all by myself but I will survive. Well wish us luck!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hey Ladies!
     I  found it disappointing the apocalypse was not what the movies and internet made it out to be.  I don't know about you guys but its been a few weeks now and I have yet to see a zombie or meet my doom, and I have not heard anything about California falling off!

I'm still not one for New Years resolutions, I prefer Birthday resolutions; however, in lu of my major life change I have decided to make my resolutions now.

1) Get Mini Q to nurse. (the altrunitive is to pump for six months to a year... Ouch!)
2) Drop the 10lb that came with Mini Q and more if I can!
3) Be prepared for next years craft season!
4) Write something, and aim for publishing in 2014! (Look out E L James! If you can do it, a blind monkey can do it!)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year, Sisters!

Firstly, A Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!

Q has started a new blog, which I will be adding to the links in the sidebar: What the Sisterhood did not tell me!

This year, my major resolutions are:

1) Write at least one more novel, and get at least one novel published.  Bonus points if I can get at least one short story written, published, and made available for free on Smashwords.

2) I need to lose weight.

3) Goal number three is a secret, but I'll be sure to let everyone know if I accomplish it.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone, I have made no resolutions this year lets just see if I make through the year somewhat sane.