What do normal young ladies (as in a younger version of someone you consider a lady) do for fun? I've been myself for far too long and am bored enough where I am that I'm thinking of having a go at being a normal young lady. I think most of the hobbies I have are too private (like knitting, reading, and playing around on the internet) or too bizarre (roleplaying etc) to be normal young lady hobbies. So I need help. Please?
Without being too much of a shmartypants, that would depend on the lady--The First Lady (hobbies include entertaining and keeping husband in line), Lady Macbeth (hobbies include murder and sleepwalking), Lady of the Lake (hobbies include pruny fingers and chucking weaponry at the forming monarchy)...
But seriously, the term has a lot of meanings nowadays. I don't think your hobbies are that far off, my dear, and playing around online is certainly within the demographiv of what the typical American Lady would do nowadays--this isn't our parent's time, if that's where the influence is coming from. Online has been proven to be our equivalent of our parent's bar or dance club by modern studies. It's where we meet people and socialize, and in fact where a strong portion of the population is now meeting dates and spouses, so never let anyone tell you you're being antisocial for online chat!
It's sounds to me like you've hit a rut that I've encountered a few times and found yourself bored with your life or personality. My usual fix is to do some soul searching about what I consider cool. Usually I pick a persona or fictional character to be for a while, but never to the extent of ignoring "who I really am" (blah blah blah, it's all for fun anyways). I dye my hair, rethink my wardrobe, and pick up hobbies or interests that my acting persona or character would have; it can be quite an enlightening experience, and never fails to get me out of the rut--and you can reinvent yourself as many times as need be.
Think about your goals and where you want to go. Do you want to be an edgy, dramatic, dark-eyeliner wearing career woman with a secret penchant for comic books who casually dates around but whose only real love is her labrador retreiver? Do you want to be a southern bell who wears skirts, reads voraciously, decorates and maintains an immacualte house and secretly swears like a sailor while gambling at the tracks? Do you want to be a sporty gym-goer who loves track and moonlights as a disc-jockey at a night club?
I suggest you pick the literary character you would most want to be, and then run with it (within reason of course).
Oh and please do not stop roleplaying--yes, I'm sure it is bizarre, but in a cool retro kind of way. At least that's what I keep telling myself. ANd anywho we'll probably start up a game of D&D back here in the group at some point.
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