Thursday, March 6, 2008

May You Live In Interesting Times

What is a curse to those who want to settle down and live nice calm lives is a blessing to those who blog. Most people would think that the Thursday evening shift in a suburban pharmacy would be one of those things that the boring people would like. This was not so.

I've been there only 6 months, but I'm getting used to playing phone tag with the insurance companies, but am still surprised when they call back. We were billing one guy's prescription wrong and the insurance called us to tell us how to do it right. I'm amazed I didn't actually faint. The insurance companies don't do any of their own legwork, they make the pharmacy staff, or you, or your doctor do it instead.

Most of the children that come in the pharmacy are pretty well behaved. Their mom's won't bring them into the store if they aren't. Ah the great drive-thru. But today there were two little monsters that came in with their mom. One was 4 one was 2. They tore apart the display in front of the registers. The two year old got a hold of a tube of hand lotion. And squirted it all over one of the chairs in the waiting area. It did look like someone had a little too much fun over there. The girl was reprimanded by her mom, but it fell to me to clean it up a little later. It was funny when about 5 minutes later when a rather stuck up lady gave the chair that "What?! Eww" look. And stood quite far away. It took several minutes of through scrubbing but the lotion is gone, and in it's place a "Wet Chair" sign.

It's now the time of year for Girl Scout cookies. Ever since I was just a wee little Lilly I looked forward to them. I even sold the silly things for 6 years. The last few days there have been Girl Scouts in front of my store. And I've missed them for the last few days. I was going to make sure I caught them today. It got really quite in happy little pharmacy land around a quarter till 9. I figured it was time for water and some store brand cookies to migrate back to the pharmacy (paid for of course). But on the way to the front where they keep the water I ran into a girl scout. I quickly got my water and store brand cookies (they were for my pharmacist) and ran outside to get cookies before the girls left. I turn the corner of the building and see a cop car flashing blue. And a tow truck. And a little car looking pathetic. We have this boulder (a rather small boulder by Boulder standards) right near the entrance to our parking lot. This little car had taken the corner too tight and gotten itself high-centered on said boulder. The tow truck was there to pull it off. Apparently this happens often (by this town's standards) and the rock still sits there.

I think I like the interesting. I want to keep it.


Alula Borealis said...

Hmm, I too have missed the girl scout cookies--I'm going shopping today though, so maybe I can find some. Mr. B ate an entire box of Thin Mints at his mother's last weekend (one sitting--and he still has the audacity to never gain any weight).

Q said...

I must be the crazy one because I really do not like girl scout cookies
I mean I will eat them if its one I kinda like and they are placed in front of me. But when it comes to buying them to eat them it just does not happen.