Lady friends, another few small victories for me on the home front.
I've purchased seeds and soil for my garden and painted the pots they are going in. I painted the pots on my couch while Mr. Borealis was out of town as he never would have allowed it. Q was an accomplice in this project.
I survived midterms week relatively unscathed, and due to my inability to find decent and expedient information on the topic of Linguistics on the web, I am now considering starting my own blog to tutor all the poor undergrads I know are out there (and I know they are--I've had to step them through complementary vs. contrastive distribution many times).
And the icing on the cake? My house is thankfully no longer home to the European toilet that used to reside downstairs. Yes, that is correct, Mr. Borealis finally got off his bum and bought a vanity for our downstairs guest bath--it was installed on Sunday and is in working order, and I have been assured that the shower will be finished up this weekend!
I keep saying pictures are forthcoming, and they are, if that darn Mr. B would only give me his darn camera and show me how to upload the darn images! Ah, well--I'll make that tonight's project.
Three cheers for the sink!
Do it! Dooo eeeeeeeeet!
hip hip!
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