The counter is up! Q is now officially a housewife, and we all congratulate her!
The wedding count-down has now been replaced by a new feature title "The Ambassador's Affair"--I will now explain. Mr. Borealis's best friend is a womanizer. He likes to keep his relationships long-distance, earning him the nickname the Ambassador of Foreign Affairs. He's dated woman from Germany, France, and Korea, just to name a few, but he's recently trying something new.
The Ambassador has a girlfriend (she's Puerto Rican) and she's moving from across the country to live in our state. Now, some of you might think this is mean, but here it is--I don't think this little social experiment will last. I've known the Amabassador long enough to know that he'll get bored with this new girl, let's call her Lady A, as soon as she's available for actual dates.
So to fill the void that Q's impending marriage has left, I've created a place for us to bet on how long the relationship lasts (not that I don't wish the Ambassador the best--Heaven knows he needs a woman in his life). I'm betting they break up by midnight of August 31st, and (if I remember correctly, but please correct me if I'm wrong) DoHP claimed September 30th. So please place your bets!
It's legal if it's just for bragging rights,
You're right, I did claim the end of September.
I don't remember the German girl. You'll have to remind me about her later.
He does need a woman in his life. He needs someone who can call him on his bullspoon. Or will be able to ignore it.
Is Lady A a student? Or do we not know that much about her?
The Fraulein was back in high school, short lived--a few weeks and a major social function, I believe.
The Ambassador refuses to tell me much about Lady A, actually--it makes him feel like he's dating someone mysterious. But I can assure you details are forthcoming now that she will be within driving distance. It's only so long before she demands to meet his friends...
I want details as soon as they are available. *steeples fingers and giggles*
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