What's the good of news if you haven't a sister to share it?
-- Jenny DeVries
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A Jesus Themepark
It's on The Holy Land Experience, a new(ish) theme park that has opened up in Florida close to all the others. Be sure to go to the link above and watch the video.
Not being Christian or Jewish, I would like some of the rest of your opinions about this, because I'm just not sure how I feel. On the one hand, I do like the idea of a religiously based park on the premises of cultural and historical education, as well as on the basis of teaching positive family values in a culture that has become very centralized on the violent and sexual pizazz and flare of Hollywood. On the other hand, there's just something that seems wrong with putting Jesus on the same page with Mickey Mouse in the easily confused and highly impressionable minds of young children.
Never having been to this park, I won't judge it. I would like to go to see what it's all about. Any takers?
Possibly the most religiously controversial thing that I've encountered since the finding of a Jesus action figure "with karate-chop action" (I kid you not),
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sweet Dinner Carrots
Friday, May 16, 2008
The trip to Ms. Hyde!!! Dun dun dun...
Needless, to say I will not be looking forward to my visit with Dr. Jekyll/Ms. Hyde and you all shouldn't either (no matter how necessary they are). I do so apologize that this happens to be my first post, bear with me I have no time for anything.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Home Fries
You start with a pile of potatoes. I use potatoes in a lot of my recipes because they are so cheap; when I buy more than I can use and they start to grow little eyes all over them, then it's time to turn them into fries and freeze them. (Raw potatoes don't exactly freeze well.)
First, cut all the eyes and blemishes off/out of the spuds. Then wash and then peel all of them. As an experienced peeler I like to do this in front of the television watching a movie I've seen a hundred times but still love (this way I can enjoyably listen to the audio while focusing on peeling potatoes and not fingers). After peeling the potatoes, they go into a bowl of cold water to keep them from discoloring.After all the potatoes are peeled, I like to start the oil on the stove. I use a deep cooking pot, though I recommend a frier if you happen to have one. It's important that the oil is deep enough to cover several fries completely, and that the pot is tall enough that oil overspill won't be a problem. The oil should be heated to about 320 degrees.
While you wait for the oil to heat, you can cut your fries. I use a large Santoku knife to cut the potatoes in half and then into large steak fries. The fries then go into another bowl of cold water to prevent discoloring.
Wait for the fries to cool, and then put them into a gallon-size plastic bag and write the date on the front in permanent marker. The fries will keep in the freezer for up to three months and are an excellent substitute for fast food or store bought fries. Reheat in the oven.
After the oil has cooled completely, you can filter and save it for reuse the next time you have surplus potatoes or other fry work.
For a tasty spin on this recipe, you can create a simple batter using flour, water, and spices to taste. Batter your fries just prior to frying them (this makes for EXTRA crispy fries); if you do this be sure to lower in one fry at a time or the batter will cause them to stick together.
Thrifty and tasty,
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The previews had me wanting to spend my entire summer at the theater. The Batman movie looks good (Q- it's got the girl from The Secretary), along with the new Indiana Jones movie. The Incredible Hulk shows some promise, and lots of things blowing up. The Get Smart movie looks funny, and it's nice to see Ann Hathaway doing something other than a romantic comedy.
Me, I'll be humming the Iron Man song in my sleep for a few weeks...
Say hello to my wee little friend!
Wondering if she accidentally packed some of my underwear by mistake when she left from her last visit, I open it and find this little guy:
Thanks, DoHP! Now my wee little garden is tended by the Wee Little Garden Gnome! He lives in my strawberry planter and I have named him Gnigel.
Don't tell GGLF,
Friday, May 9, 2008
Hi Death of Houseplants...
Monday, May 5, 2008
Penguin Suit

Sunday, May 4, 2008
If I can't do this nobody can!
I'm taking the PTCE in 12 days. I get to the cardiovascular system agents section of my study guide and see the above warning. I'm starting to wonder how anybody without a biology degree can pass this test. Obviously it has happened, as my two stupidest co-workers have passed this test, but with how "Oh no! Scary test!" the study guide is being, I have no idea how they passed it.
(BTW this post has been made with the Picassa "Blog this!" feature ((which is so super shiny)) so please forgive any formatting errors that don't get fixed.)
Friday, May 2, 2008
Ah, Finals Week...
I missed his phone call last night because he called early and I had to attend my niece's birthday party. She's five and her big present was getting her ears pierced (and she LOVES them!).
My computer virus scanner is driving me nuts. I won't say which one it is but I will say it rhymes with SchMcAfee. If anyone knows where the setting is to make it ask me before it starts scanning or downloading anything ('cause it REALLY ties up my RAM and takes a long time to finish--even when I try to cancel out of whatever it's doing), I would appreciate knowing this information.
Anywhine, I'm not doing anything this weekend. Or at least don't intend to. I will be vegetating on my couch, drooling all over myself unconscionably, remote fixed in my hand and glazed eyes unfocused on the television screen. I still have 5 different kinds of ice cream at my place in it for anyone who cares to join me.
And now, the end is near; and so I face the final curtain...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
...Weren't run on batteries!
I think I've found a certain special kind of insanity. I named my latest knitting project. Steve.
And a warning for Q. Make sure that Mr. Q's insurance has you in the system as female. Because otherwise it will reject with the "Drug not covered for gender specified" error and somebody will have to call the insurance to get it fixed, normally while you're waiting in the store for your birth control. Also the one guy that I work with in the pharmacy had something crawl up his butt today (and I don't mean like one of those giant bugs we get around here), and he really reminds me of my old boss Pissy Hippy.
Your local cranky tech