Friday, May 16, 2008

The trip to Ms. Hyde!!! Dun dun dun...

So this month I'll be visiting our dear friend Ms. Hyde. Ms. Hyde may seem like a nice harmless woman, we will call this version of her Dr. Jekyll, but this will only be for a short time. All us women know that we must visit this wonderful lady once a year, to make sure we will be able to have babies and not get cancer down where it isn't welcome. When we get to to Dr. Jekyll's place of business, you are escorted to a nice pretty room with lots of pretty pictures and diagrams on the walls. When Jekyll comes in, she usually greets you with a warm smile, and then the gloves come out! You're now in a paper dress being told to lie down and relax. Now she will snap her latex gloves down to her mid arm, non-latex for those among us who are allergic to it. Then we experience the finger, the swab and the tree. The finger reminds you of your first boyfriend experimenting with you. The swab tickles. And then we have the tree. The tree prickles you in ways that you were never meant to be. Preceding these threes items on Jekyll/Hyde's list is jelly. Now that all of this is over, you are left feeling violated and awkward. And if she isn't a great lady, and uses nasty jelly, you may even end up feeling a plopping situation.

Needless, to say I will not be looking forward to my visit with Dr. Jekyll/Ms. Hyde and you all shouldn't either (no matter how necessary they are). I do so apologize that this happens to be my first post, bear with me I have no time for anything.


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