Monday, July 14, 2008

very large rock!

hey ladies!
As you may know today was the farewell ceremony for Mr. Q. He has a few more weeks of training then he is off to Iraq. Hope fully he will get a four day pass before he ships out, so it looks like I will be driving out to Wisconsin. I will ether be driving out alone or with my mother. Both sound like a difficult task!
But enough about me lets talk about Mr. Q! How did I get so lucky to land him? I mean he is just amazing!
The last eight weeks have been very hard for the both of us, I have been crying a lot! A lot! Not a normal emotion for me! He has been a rock! Almost too much so, Today when we were saying goodbye a single tear ran down his face, I'm not ashamed to say it tore at my heart. I love him! this is a link to the event this morning, its nothing really special but I'm being emotional so I'm blogging it anyway!

So I'm going to try to wiggle out from under the very large rock I'm stuck under. Cause its way to heavy to stay under it for the next 400 days!

Hug you loved ones, and tell them you love them!

1 comment:

Alula Borealis said...

Hey, remember Mr. B and I are here for all your tech needs--we can burn as many DVDs and CDs and whatever else as you guys need to stay in touch.

And if you ever need help getting out from under that rock, remember we're here for you.