Well. For all of you who aren't Q, I'll do a recap. And because I'm feeling the groove, I shall do it in prose to the tune of a limerick.
There was a Comp Linguist in school,
Starting to think "This ain't cool."
She went on vacation,
Had a big revelation,
Could start Librarian school 'round yule.
Yep. That'll do'er. I went for a week to my Granny's in Tulsa, and read Stephanie Meyer's Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse in a span of 3 days. You all MUST read these books, they are the best (and possibly better) since Harry Potter. My mummy is getting me Breaking Dawn for my birthday, and I can hardly wait.
After Tulsa, I went for a week to Salida with Mr. Borealis. I wrote a new book, and suddenly realized I'm not really happy with my college classes or my job--I love literature. None of my classes pertain to anything I'll ever do in the real world, and my job has pretty well stalled out (and isn't even paying me gas money anymore), and I'm not psyched about starting over somewhere else in the field, not that there are jobs to be had (I've been looking).
So I haven't told my parents yet, and I'm thinking this might be one of those snap decisions you later regret, but I'm heavily considering dropping my current MA program in CompLing and applying to an online one for an MLS that starts in January. I hate to put it this way, but I think the fact that Mr. B's mom, hereafter The Librarian, is a librarian, made me not see it before because I've been trying so hard not to become her.
I was never head over heels about being a Comp Linguist--it was the one practical job a linguist could hold in our society, so I went with it. I feel like I really WANT this--I'm actually excited to do this, even if the pay isn't as much.
I guess we'll see if the crazy streak holds,
Good for you!
I will totally support you in your sudden schooling change.
Is the MLS offered at the same location of the school you go to now? What are you going to do with your semester off? Do you have all your pre-reqs? Is there a test you have to take to get into the program? (*pokes PCAT book with a stick*) Why does MLS sound like some sort of disease, maybe a hybrid of Lou Gerig's disease and Multiple Sclerous?
Oy. Here come those regrets...I love linguistics!
My current school doesn't offer the program--I have to switch, though fortunately it's an online program. No semester off--app is due in by Oct. 1 to start in January, and in the mean time I'll still be taking 1-2 classes in my current program (in case I change my mind...). No test--just a lot of application hooha, letters of reference, interview, GRE, official transcripts and such.
And yes, it does sound like a disease.
I think you should go with what makes you happy kiddo!
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