Monday, October 20, 2008

So... FAMILY. I feel like family stands for the following.

Fear... or saying the wrong things.
Apologies... constantly.
Managing... time and the problems between people and doing it well.
Ill... feelings when you are around them too much.
Loathing... for all the things they continue to do that they know drive you mad.
Yelling... at the top of your lungs just to be heard.

I truly see this whenever I examine my own family and it makes me feel a little bit absurd. I hope that not everyone feels the same way I do about their own families.


Alula Borealis said...

Just remember:

That was the motto of a summer camp I used to go to, and I find it very true. My definition annoys the heck out of Mr. Borealis sometimes, but it's because there's a lot of divorce/remarriage/adoption in my family--blood relation and "legal documentation" doesn't mean a hell of a lot where I come from, because family are the people you love who love you.

All of you ladies are my family.

Munchkin said...

Oddly enough that is exactly what Mr. Munchkin tells me about his own philosophy on family. Friends are his best family and have always been there for him, especially when family has not.