Monday, December 15, 2008

Really really cold

Hey y'all. It's 1 degree farenheit outside where I am right now. There's 6 inches of snow in the back courtyard and we're expecting more tonight. I have written approximately 2 pages of my 15 page final paper which I MUST finish by tomorrow morning, and despite the fact that I BEGGED for help this weekend from Mr. Borealis, I did the laundry, dishes, and cooking this weekend myself. I think I saw him open and heat a can of spaghetti-o's for himself once, which was amazing.

Haven't done my Christmas shopping yet.

Need to go to the bank.

I have work and guests tomorrow evening.

But it will get done. (SERENITY NOW!)

And a quick reminder, the uber holiday cookie event is this Saturday at my place for anyone who wishes to swing through between the hours of 9am and 10pm.


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