Sunday, January 11, 2009

I will out myself too!

hey ladies.
I clock in at 225 lbs. Its a sad number I weight more than my husband and thats just sad. He is around 175lbs, and that is were I would like to be. I am also 5'7'', but I have been in the 130 to 140lb range and people though I had a eating disorder. I did not like how I looked at that weight and I really do not want to drop down to that weight again. I would however be very happy to be around 175 or 180. Its not a excuse its a fact, Munchkin has some pictures from back then so she is my witness. I have been shedding pounds on my own over the last few months, about a pound a week. I am on the right track, but I am ready for things to move faster. I really want to be under 200 by the time Mr. Q gets home in August.
Other goals for this year are to get a new job.
Become a better wife.
Find space in my house.
and save up money for the tea store.


Alula Borealis said...


You really did look a little anorexic back in the day. Let's not do that again.

However, about a pound a week (five a month over six months) is my current goal. Most dieticians don't recommend more than a pound a week in loss the last time I checked anyways, because slower loss is healthier and easier to maintain and keep off. I'll post your goals with my own shortly.

PS, I'm already a worse wife than you are so please don't improve. You're making the rest of us look bad.

Q said...

Well I need to put the credit card down and step away.