Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy (not that you should be reading this) Birthday!

Well, we all know this is supposed to be a girls only club. We also know Mr. Q has located our secret headquarters and checks out the site every so often so he can read about how Q's affair with her super sexy Mexican boyfriend Havier is going (just kidding, y'all!). But we also know we're going to cut him some slack for this because he's serving our country in Iraq right now and this is one of the easiest ways out there for him to keep up with all the stupid stuff we've done while he's been away.

Ladies, it's Mr. Q's birthday today. In the grand tradition of last-minute birthday celebrations, I put this together so we could have a mini-celebration here for him. Also in the grand tradition, I had no birthday candles in the house (yes, sigh--even after we discussed saving them from Munchkin's birthday), so I used the traditional tea light instead. So here it is:

Happy Birthday, Mr. Q. I want you to know this cake will be sitting in my freezer waiting for you when you get back.



Death of Houseplants said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Q! Your birthday/Christmas present will be in the mail soon.

(Sorry I am a procrastinator of epic proportions)

Xylo said...

Well, thank you ladies for remembering. And I'm sorry if I have ruined the secret females only club. I would stop reading if my reading feels like an invasion.

But Alula, thank you for the cake, I'm looking forward to a piece! And DoHP, don't worry about the belated gift, I'll take it when it's done! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of months!

-Mr. Q

Q said...

Its fine with me if you check in on us. With me at least, I think its good for you to know whats going on. Your just not allowed to get snippy when I tell the ladies about the things your doing wrong. The way I see it your sorta the resident big brother. Except for me, cause that would be grouse!
O and no ratting out the sisterhood to other husbands/boyfriends! Mister! So unless you want to be sleeping on the couch you had better keep this website to yourself. Kisses!