Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Are you sure it's not a full moon?

Today was weird conversation day. Every single conversation I had today was bizzare. I know three of you have worked with dog poop on a regular basis and see it as a normal work topic, but when you tell your pharmacy tech about your dog pooping where he's not suspossed to, that is a weird conversation. Also, when your doctor says no, you are not allowed to argue. I don't care how loud you get.

I got bit by the project bug something awful. Every spring and every fall, I just urges to make something. I've started writing random stories. I now know why they are called plot bunnies. They mutiply in the fibbinoci sequence. I spent a Saturday afternoon charting out a cable pattern for a class. The knitting and cooking bugs seem to bite in the fall though.

I also have no idea where the geeky guys are around here. They guys associated with my co-workers (other than the pharmacists) are either construction workers or truck drivers.

Also, everything between my ribcage and my legs is protesting my existance. Ow.


Alula Borealis said...

Me too.

You need to nip those plot bunnies in the bud before they hijack your life and you find yourself one August averaging 2 hours of sleep a day as you happily slurp an energy drink and typpitty out the first novel in a planned series of 7.

Munchkin said...

Sleep... take a few days off work and just recover from the spring bugs you have. You will feel much better when you have sometime to think about what you really want to focus on.

Death of Houseplants said...

Well, I have a three day weekend this weekend, but sleep is not on the schedule. It's not any sort of bug that's making me hurt. Hormones screw with my digestive system, and reproductive system. And the excessive amount of caffeine that keeps me functioning and not hurting anyone also screws with my digestive system.

Alula- There's no way what I'm writing will ever turn into a novel, as it's in someone else's 'verse. But it's fun as heck. And I don't feel as scared about writing as I did when I was in school. And if you want to share any novels with me... I'd be willing to read.