Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I know I know...

I have been quite absent in my blogging lately. This may be because I pick up hobbies like some people pick up shiny sea shells. The other day I tried to learn to spin. At the end of the evening I concluded that I was going to leave the yarn making to the professionals.

So here's the quick and dirty overview of what has been going on in my life. (This would be done by hand puppets, but it would be too much work to draw and scan everything. :P)

- The next two weeks are going to be the only ones in which I enjoy living in the south all year. Because I has a spring! But everything has not been coated in a fine yellow dust. Do y'all know what is actually in pollen? Tree sperm.

- I am still not done with my purple sweater from July. Alright I knit another sweater, 2 pairs of fingerless gloves, a hat, and a scarf, and put together two patterns since then as well. But still. Makes me feel layzee.

- Cooking disaster #347: Black eyed peas and installing WoW. They don't go together.

- I have worked with the general public for well over 2 years, and I am still amazed on a daily basis, at how stupid people can be. Drop off a prescription at drop off window, pick it up at pick up window, how hard can that be? Also, having to re-train your co-workers every other week on how not to special order things we are getting shipped to us from corporate, that would be a nice Easter present. Also, I want less paperwork for Christmas.

- I finally found a used bookstore. It's organization system is piles. I think I'm in love. <3

- I don't remember if I ever told you what I got on my PCAT. I got a 92. I know you don't know what that means. But it's a percentile score.

- I am really really really looking foward to seeing all y'all in April!

- I need to start remembering work stories to share.

Do I get brownie points if I use all the labels in one post? How about just brownies? Next post (of mine) will be my uber-awesome brownie recipe. Maybe with mint modifications.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Munchkin said...

I love you so much. I can't wait to see you I miss you a lot.