So ladies (and Mr.Q), yesterday was my bridal shower. All together we had 7 people, that includes my mother and I. It would have been better with men, but that wasn't an option because Mr. Munchkin "wouldn't have felt comfortable". It was very fun, we played spoons, and Apples to Apples. I have to tell you those types of games are way better than almost any other one you can play. Anyway, Q let slip to my mom about Wetpaw coming to the wedding. She then flipped out on my first thing this morning out of a dead sleep. I had an hour long fight with her about him having to come. I wish we had not told my mother of his escapades. Nevertheless, he is allowed to come now, but I had to set up some conditions for this. I need Alula and Q to tell Mr. Borealis that he and Mr.Q have to be personally responsible for making sure he doesn't smell bad whatsoever. I trust this to Mr. Borealis because he is so good at making sure everything is clean and sanitary. Anyway, I would like to thank everyone for all the great things we got to do yesterday and ask for just one more thing... Pray that Wetpaw cleans himself and is one his best behavior at my wedding.
I am sure he will be on his best behavior for you wedding. He may be smelly but deep down he is a good person.
Also if he is smelly he is only making a fool out of himself.
Thank you for letting him come, I have to live with him and I really do not want to hear about not being invited for months.
That was one of my main arguments with my mom about it. The other was that I was really friends with him no matter what, after all i did share a graduation party with the boy... back when he was a little better.
Finally, the excuse is here!
It's fightworthy. And it's not "his laundry." And I'm going to tell him so. And if he smells or his cloths aren't clean, I will yell at him and kick his ass out of the wedding. I am going to look him straight in the eye and tell him not to screw with your mom on your wedding, and to take a god damn shower and put on some clean cloths for the first time in his life.
Thank you, Munchkin. You've totally made my day.
Hey! That's my naked Elan!
I also think a good round of "OMG what is that smeel?!?!" will help. And wasn't he showered and in clean clothes for Q's wedding?
He was in fact showered and clean for my wedding. I think he will be a good boy!
But if not can I round house kick him?
"Boot to the head"
Yes you can! And then I'll shove him into the freezing cold river at the wedding site.
I really do not think he would catch on to "what is that smell" Alula has already tried it. Actually she was more blunt and he still did not catch on.
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