If I were to guess, I'd say that the suggested topic is one that we should all post on right? Right.
Today at work I am supposed to be scanning my outs. I walk around the shelves with a scanny gun and scan the labels of everything that's out of stock. This is incredibly boring. I get part way through, and lo and behold, the wall of birth control is a mess! Packs didn't get taken out of boxes, boxes are stacked outside of their baskets, there are several empty baskets of things we don't stock anymore... So I organize it. It's pretty now. That was my freak organizational moment for the month. I also found a full afternoon's worth of tasks to keep me from sending back my expired drugs.
I've also gotten a whole lot done, mostly reading and knitting, while avoiding doing laundry. The "there's something in the dryer" excuse never gets old. For the record I do my laundry. I could probably do it more frequently, but it gets done. Normally at about 2am. The folding is the part I really hate.
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