Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Q!

Just so everyone knows, Q tried to cancel her birthday. Twice.

I uncanceled it. Twice. :)

Happy Birthday to Q!


P.S. Who keeps making superfluous categories in the tags? As an information management professional, I do draw the line here. Do we really need both crazyness (SP! craziness--I will become a bee-otch about this because I can now confirm that some 6-year-olds have better spelling than I have seen here) and weirdness? Work and (Un)employment? And WTF is "topic"? We do know how to use tags, yes? Click on "Show All" to see the existing ones?


Q said...

Yes most 6 year olds spell better than me! Get the heck over it! Its not something I can change over night!

Munchkin said...

Aye Aye captain! I understand don't add tags that are unnecessary.

Death of Houseplants said...

Topic is well a topic.

And Q- you can't cancel birthdays, you can however move them to the closest holiday for convenience.

Q said...
