Saturday, July 25, 2009

Checking in on the New Year's Resolution

Hi all,

So now that we're a little more than halfway through the year, I'm checking in on my New Year's Resolutions (listed on the right sidebar). I'm a little behind on the dates I had set for myself, but generally optimistic about things.

I got my job at more pay and more hours and better perks than I had envisioned; however, it is a desk job, and the first few weeks pretty effectively crashed my diet back to start. Worse than where I started, actually.

Prepare for the brutal honesty. And if any of you tell Mr. Borealis (or anyone else, for that matter) my real numbers, I will torture you with a spork.

I went from 170 to about 185. My feet started killing me because I have a genetic condition where my tissues lack the normal degree of collagen, so I think the arches in my feet just gave. This was around the time that I had to buy new shoes with better arch support. However, I started severe damage control on my weight about 2 weeks ago, as it was my second resolution after getting a job to finance school. I weighed in this morning at 179, with my goal still being in the 140s.

I'm not sure how the online store is going; lately I don't have time to make my own products to sell. I'm still hoping to get that thing running by year's end.


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