Anyone wonder what little mans next mile stone was going to be? perhaps getting potty trained talking in complete sentences? That's what I was hoping! But the mile stone was his first trip to the ER for stitches! 9 to be exact location below his left knee on the inside of the leg and according to the doctor that stitched him up down to the bone not really the deep on a 2 1/2 year old but I really didn't need to know that much detail. What happened he was playing with his aunts boyfriend on his fathers side and he walked by some tin that was in the yard slipped and gashed his leg. Well we went to the ER after they called us sat around for about an hour and a half waiting for the numbing stuff to take effect and began the stitches and after little man got over being held down by the nurses to get stitched up fell asleep while they finished the stitches and let me tell you those nurses had no clue what to do when he fell asleep that was a first for them. And you can't even tell he hurt his leg the way he is running around but that might change tomorrow after the meds wear off and I have to change the dressing. He will be in pants for the next week or so to keep him from messing with it. Well that's what happened today and everyone is telling me to get used to it this won't be our last visit to the ER but you know what no I am not going to get used to it and hate it every single time. So that's what I have to say on that. And even more family is telling me they are surprised he hasn't needed stitches before now. And I have no response to that and of course because the stitches came up everyone starting to compare scars and number of stitches and everything once again in too much detail. Oh and I re injured my foot doing yard work this morning its turning fun colors again.
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