Sorry I've been absent for such a long time (though I have been secretly keeping tabs on your lives via this brilliant blog). I have much news to bring, and thought that I should probably give it all at once just to make sure you get the maximum effect.
The first new frontier in my life is that my husband has made drastic career move, a literal 180 degree switch from what he has ever done. He is now a natural gas driller! Who would have ever thought the man who graduated 3rd in his class, and got a Micro-biology degree with a graphic design minor, would end up as a real working man.
This career move means that I am without my husband for half the year, and with him for the other half. He works 7 twelve hour days and then has 7 days off. He's done one week so far, and though I missed him terribly, the monetary rewards far outweigh any grief that I have for the week he's gone.
The next life changing frontier Mr. Munchkin and I have ventured to is one the one of parenthood. Yes, that's right ladies, I am pregnant and apparently due April 10, 2011. More news along these lines is the possibility that my doctors either have my due date incorrect, or I may be having more than one child dwelling in my body. This discovery was made by my doctor while getting my normal check-up (with no ultra sound scheduled for a month). My doc was feeling around down low when she suddenly states, "You feel a little farther along than 8 weeks, let's get you in for an ultra sound sooner."
So... Mr. Munchkin and I are off to the doc's office this Friday to find out my fate. I'll keep you all posted. Alula if you wanted to put a countdown up, just be warned you may have to adjust the date if you do it before I get the word on Friday.
Wish me luck all!
Keep us informed on the due date & how many buns are in the oven! (My husband is going to be incredibly jealous if you get twins; please excuse him if he asks you to name them Luke and Leia.)
Start working on the wish list for the baby shower!!!
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! It would be tempting to name twins after the famed Star Wars siblings. =)
I told you how excited I was for you the other day, but again, CONGRATS!!!!
Thanks DoHP. And for the record, we're just having 1 happy, healthy, squirmy baby!
You have no idea whar squirmy is until the baby is using your kidney as a soccer ball, or your spine as a launching off pad. But that might of been just my kid who hasn't slown down at all.
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