Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Well, ladies,

Yesterday my husband texted me late in the afternoon while I was still at work.  He said he got a call back from a job he applied for in Montana, and they were paying to fly him out for an interview.  The job is a highly paid one for the government (Federal), and the interview is in Minneapolis.  Apparently the position in Montana is hard to fill, owing to the fact that the city it is in is small and does not have any nearby major universities to turn out employees in this field of work.

He's been called for interviews before.  He's even been flown  out for interviews before, and didn't end up getting the position (this is pretty standard for fed jobs--they fly out a few of the well-qualified candidates before hiring).  But this time, when he texted me, I got a feeling like he'd just told me we were moving.  I think he's going to get this job, and it's making me a little sad and nervous and excited.

The city we would be moving to has a population of just over 70,000.  For reference, my (our) hometown in Colorado has a population of almost 55,000--and that's our hometown, ladies, not Denver, which has a population of about 610,000.  We're talking about living in a place where the closest major city is just barely larger than the current town that we live in.  The town we are looking at living in out there has a population of less than 1,500!

Think about it: no traffic.  Small town lifestyle.  Wilderness.  Sounds great.

Sounds lonely.  FYI, the city out there does not have a Qdoba, a Barnes & Noble, or a Hobby Lobby (they do have a Michael's on the far north side).  This is a place where you have to buy an engine block heater and turn it on an hour before you plan to drive, or your car may not start.  The average daily high does not get above freezing during December and January, which I have no qualms with because I like the cold and snow, but good grief that's cold--the average lows that time of year are single digit.

We're looking at finding a foreclosure out there on some land.  About ten acres.  I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, looking out the windows in my living room at snow blanketing the meadows and forests with a clear starry sky and moon.  A white Christmas...with all my friends and family back in Colorado.

Mr. Borealis expects that I will find a similarly successful career out there as I have here.  But let's face it: he expects me to find a fantastic federal career job in a city of ~70,000?  I've been scoping out the libraries and jobs out there, and have yet to find anything like what I have here.  I've told Mr. B this, and he's conceded slightly that if we move, it represents a shift in focus towards his career.  I don't know what that means for me.  I'm sure I'll find something, and I can run some of the web oriented stuff for our business from out there, but it feels like my education is going down the toilet--it isn't exactly a hotbed of information science out there.


1 comment:

Fuzzy said...

Well you won't have to waste your education just think about putting it on hold. Just don't stress to much until you have a reason. Look at me I have my business degree and right now I am a stay at home mom. perhaps you could find a job at one of the small town book stores those are fun to work at we have some up here but they aren't hiring because well people don't come this way to read. And think about the indian reservations that are up their they sometimes have libraries on them and the schools that are in that area. And don't forget once you have a masters degree you can actually teach classes exspecially at the online schools. BTW your joints are going to love that cold weather and you better invest in some good 4 weel drive cars and will most likely have to look into the satelite internet they are affordable and work just as well as cable and DSL.