Sunday, December 5, 2010

Always look on the Christmas side of life

I'm not sure if we're moving or not.  Mr. B has been mum on the issue despite the fact that I keep trying to ask him about it.  I'm wondering if certain repercussions are starting to sink in for him.  FYI, this whole "we might be moving" thing is still on the down-low until next week, please!  I haven't told my sister yet because she's mid-finals, and I don't want to stress her out, so please no one announce anything on Facebook.

Right now (or last I heard, anyways) the plan is that he is going to accept the offer when he gets a call back, presuming the pay is agreeable (they offered something at the last call and he countered).  Even then, we could pull out later if something better came along.  I am reminding him that his chances in the job market have improved since he started his Master's program in the fall, so he might stand a better chance of getting a local job now if he gives it some time.

But right now, I am trying not to think about all of that.  I graduated from my MLS program yesterday.  In the words of my grandmother (she was SOOO proud!) "We finally have a REAL librarian in the family!"

I have decked the halls, and am preparing for the major holiday cookie bash.  I have ordered some of my holiday gifts for the family.

Falalala, Lalalala,


1 comment:

Munchkin said...

Nice job Alula! You did it!