Friday, January 7, 2011

Not a dead houseplant!

So, I have a couple shiny new resolutions for the year. 

1. Blog more. I have things I need to tell you! I have stupid healer tricks to share! But I never seem to remember anything when I'm in front of the computer. I should devote at least one piece of scratch paper per day while at work to random thoughts and blog topics so that I remember to write about them.

2. Put my technology to better use. I have a fancy phone (Mr. Q would be jealous, I got a G2), a nice computer, and they still have a lot of default settings.

3. Really clean out my clothes. I still have band shirts from high school. Good Will will take all the clothes I don't wear and give them to people who will wear them, if only they get out of my dresser.

I think that's a good start (at least on resolution #1) for now.

So, on a list of things to tell y'all, my family, including me, might be moving to Utah sometime in the next year. This is a big might, but I just thought I'd let you know.

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