Monday, February 28, 2011

A quick book review: A Discovery of Witches

Picture links to B&N nook page!
I tried to come up with a super quick two work book review, but the only one that would come to me is READ IT. So instead I'm going to use a lot of exclamation points and incomplete sentences. Here goes:

*engage caps lock* *establish Kermit flail* BIG LIBRARY!!!! VAMPIRE SCIENTIST! WITCHES! SCHOLARLY RESEARCH! MAGIC, ROMANCE, MYSTERY, AND TIME TRAVEL!!! Bring a French-English dictionary, it might help. Another recommended reading companion is a giant cup of tea.
I might add something more sensible later, but this is an awesome book, and I am eagerly anticipating the sequel.

1 comment:

Alula Borealis said...

:) I love your use of the Kermit Flail.

I will add this one to my list! I am making a wish list of the books I am going to buy and read after I am out of school and have money to spend (hopefully from a new job).