Monday, May 2, 2011

I refuse to take the train again!!

OK so in an attempt to save money on gas, I took the train back home from a visit to the city. Plus I really needed to get away from my mother we can only stand so much quality time together with out problems. So me and little man took the train home. The trip was long, tedious and boring! So I refuse to take the train again, making it a little difficult to get back to the city for a plane ride to my uncles wedding. So my insane solution to this since Mr. Man said to take the bus if the train was so bad, once again I refuse got my fill of buses in high school. Basically that was Mr. mans way of saying he won't drive us down and my step dad has his head buried in books. He offered to come get us the day before the date to leave on the plane, which is another bad idea that seems like it would be more stress than its worth. Well any way my insane solution was to ask my mother to come get us. This will put my mother and Mr man under the same roof, and they really don't get along so well. And since they are both trying to not stress me out due to last months miscarriage will therefore make it more stressful by completely and utterly ignoring each others existence. And added to that since my mother I think is feeling a little left out since we are all leaving for the wedding she doesn't want to go to anyway, feels that getting us 2 1/2 weeks before the trip to the wedding is a good idea. I was thinking a week would be a better solution, that got shot down real quick. The only good thing is that my mother will go wine tasting with me which is kinda fun to get a sample of the drink all the flavors and textures is actually fascinating. So I will be leaving home 2 1/2 weeks before we leave on the 31st to spend 11 days on this trip and I haven't even figured out how I am getting home yet. Lets all count down to my descent into insanity and my doctor said I need to not be very stressed for the next month, yeah she has never met or dealt with my family. Oh add school work to my stress load and a way to active 3 year old at least my sister will be around to help with him. And I might be having another one eventually Mr. man and I talked about it, OK I talked he didn't say anything back, I decided we would just leave it up to mother nature. One thing I refuse to stress about. I seem to be refusing a lot of things lately must be me attempting to control my life in some way. I am starting to get my energy back and my blood chem levels are also back to where they are supposed to be. I still have a bruise from that blood draw. Well that's the rant for now, keep a look out for another one in the not so distant future.


Alula Borealis said...

Take a step back for a while & reflect. You are worthy of being loved. Is having a child with a guy who doesn't want it your best option here? i.e., you see that decision as one that would REDUCE your stress?

Take care of yourself first.

We all love you and are hoping things turn out for the best.

Fuzzy said...

you sound just like my mother

Alula Borealis said...

Your mother is MANY things, one of them being a person who loves you and means well.

But if you want me to be blunt and talk like your friend, here goes:

Confucius say: A Tattoo is permanent proof of temporary insanity.

Alula say: Don't treat Child like Tattoo.

(It's your choice to have one, but make that decision with a clear head and a devoted heart; not out of convenience or grief.)

Munchkin said...

Fuzzy... On this front I do agree with Alula.

Bringing another baby into this world if Mr. Man doesn't want it would be banning it to a second-rate life. One parent's love is wonderful, but it would be much easier for you to love the child fully if you have a willing partner.

If I were in your situation, and wanting a second child, I would either confront Mr. Man about a commitment to you, or leave his ass and start over with someone who will actually appreciate and care for you, like you deserve.

Do Little Man a huge favor and keep your heart focused on him and yourself first. You have plenty of time to give him a sibling if that's what you find is right. You aren't filled with cobwebs and won't be for quite some time (try 20+ years)
