Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Journey to the Center of the Uterus!

Hey Ladies,
( I am alive)
I have been off birth control for over a year now, and alas, my eggo has yet to become prego. We had a sit down with a specialist on Monday. We reviewed my blood work from a month ago, and its not showing anything totally obvious. My vitamin D is crazy low, not super shocking; its a 7 and the number they look for is 30. I will be receiving a remedial course of vitamin D over the next two months. Two doctors over the last year seemed to think I have PCOS, but this new guy, does think that is not the case, so he is retesting. I have received a vaginal ultra sound and every thing was normal! I have very pretty eggs nestled in my belly. YEAH! Tomorrow they are putting dye up my cervix to see if my tubes are working. It can be very painful and I am really looking forward to it. Mr Q, will also be receiving in-depth testing, he, will will be getting friendly with a cup.
Its worth it!


Fuzzy said...

Good Luck!

Q said...

Part 2.

I got the dye today, and everything looked great. They got my blood work back again and I have no immunity to chickenpox. I am not to have to be vaccinated for it, it will take two months before I can get pregnant. Back on the birth control I go. Ironic!
I was given the choice to skip the vaccine, but after some soul searching I decided I would never forgive myself if I got chickenpox while pregnant.