Wednesday, July 31, 2013


OK so I think I need a professional organizer for my house because I have no clue how to organize my house.  Its starting to make Mr. Man pretty frustrated because we can never find anything. I fail has a house mom.

1 comment:

Alula Borealis said...

You do not fail. Everyone has these moments. In my house, Mr. Borealis is a compulsive straightener while I am a compulsive organizer. Though this sounds like we would have our crap together, these two forces often run against each other.

He doesn't like visible clutter--if it's going to be unorganized, it must be out of site.

I need stuff to be organized--if it isn't organized, I need it laid out where I can see it, or I will forget where to find it.

...So he keeps taking stuff that I have left out to organize and hiding it in random concealed locations around the house to give the visible impression of organization. Drives me &^$%ing bonkers.

I suggest starting with generalization. For example, designate one room for cleaning supplies, and all cleaning supplies go in there (they don't need to get organized until you have some free time...*snickers* yeah right, because we all have so much of it!). As long as things consistently go to the same general location, it will reduce the area you need to search to find something. From there, organize the room, then the closets, then the drawers, then the counter tops, etc. etc.