Friday, August 29, 2014

Sad News

Hey Ladies,
   My Grandmother on my Fathers side, ( not the one you have met) passed away this morning.She has been sick for a very long time, needing dialysis 3 times a week. She had a heart attack this morning and after they revived her 3 or 4 times, my Grandfather decided she wanted to go. Both of her sons have been waiting for her a long time. I realized today how happy she must be getting to hold them in her arms again, I hope she has told my Father what a beautiful Granddaughter he has, and about his Grandson on the way.
My grandparents were married at 18, after a very short courtship. They have been married for over fifty years, and very obviously loved each other deeply. I think it will be very hard for him to be without her. They had the marriage everyone dreams of the day they get married. Of her 4 children she has 2 surviving daughters, 5 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildten.
Pepper is going to be named after her favorite Uncle, I did not get a chance to talk to her about it, but I think she would have been thrilled.  She has been too sick to talk on the phone for the last couple of months. I'm sorry for Pepper she will not be able to tell him about his namesake directly.
She was a sweet little German woman who showed me to love my family despite their shortcomings. She always believed her children and grandchildren were special because of the family and history they came from. I'm proud to be her Granddaughter.

1 comment:

Fuzzy said...

Sorry for your loss, call if you need anything.