Surviving finals. Barely. I have a 10-page paper due today at 5pm, and have officially written about a page and a half of it; but the energy drinks are plentiful and I think I know what I'm going to say. I got about 5 hours of sleep last night, got up at 3 to write, wrote Q three emails about how lonely I feel because Mr. Borealis is out of town and erased them all because I just sounded so pathetic.
I missed his phone call last night because he called early and I had to attend my niece's birthday party. She's five and her big present was getting her ears pierced (and she LOVES them!).
My computer virus scanner is driving me nuts. I won't say which one it is but I will say it rhymes with SchMcAfee. If anyone knows where the setting is to make it ask me before it starts scanning or downloading anything ('cause it REALLY ties up my RAM and takes a long time to finish--even when I try to cancel out of whatever it's doing), I would appreciate knowing this information.
Anywhine, I'm not doing anything this weekend. Or at least don't intend to. I will be vegetating on my couch, drooling all over myself unconscionably, remote fixed in my hand and glazed eyes unfocused on the television screen. I still have 5 different kinds of ice cream at my place in it for anyone who cares to join me.
And now, the end is near; and so I face the final curtain...
First, uninstall it. Second, download avast. ( Install that, sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Your husband will be home soon dear.
I have a idea I have one of those bears you get stuffed at the mall. It has a voice box in it with a message from Mr.Q in it. I always cuddle with it when he is away and it makes me feel much better!
hum, I have a bear in the basement I made early in the relationship that LOOKS like Mr. Borealis--I'll have to find him!
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