So today I stumbled on this article:
It's on The Holy Land Experience, a new(ish) theme park that has opened up in Florida close to all the others. Be sure to go to the link above and watch the video.
Not being Christian or Jewish, I would like some of the rest of your opinions about this, because I'm just not sure how I feel. On the one hand, I do like the idea of a religiously based park on the premises of cultural and historical education, as well as on the basis of teaching positive family values in a culture that has become very centralized on the violent and sexual pizazz and flare of Hollywood. On the other hand, there's just something that seems wrong with putting Jesus on the same page with Mickey Mouse in the easily confused and highly impressionable minds of young children.
Never having been to this park, I won't judge it. I would like to go to see what it's all about. Any takers?
Possibly the most religiously controversial thing that I've encountered since the finding of a Jesus action figure "with karate-chop action" (I kid you not),
I won't comment on the theme park issue yet, but is probably the most unfortunate Jesus symbol I have ever seen.
being brought up in a catholic family I got the first reaction of if being a sacrilege!
I never thought our society would come to such a blasphemous way worship and religious education. I will not pay money to get into any them park that has crucifixions every day.
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