Sunday, February 8, 2009


Hey Ladies!
The couch is out of my Kitchen! The couch that has been in there for 6 months now. Now I just have to get the 200 lb cabinet and I just might get this house clean before Mr. Q comes home on leave! Woo Hoo! :) Does anyone have a extra bed frame lying around? I am having a hard time finding a used one.


Alula Borealis said...

With all the crap I have in my basement, no extra bedframe. However, we are entering garage sale season and I'd keep checking ARC and salvation army and habitat for humanity as people do their spring cleaning.

I'll ask my mom to watch for you (size and price range?) as she is a veritable Wizard of bargain shopping.

Munchkin said...

I personally suggest checking craigs list. That's where we found the box spring for my little brother's bed.

Q said...

I need the metal frame for a Full. I would be fine paying under $20. I have seen them at Habitat in the past for 7 dollars. I am almost sure the frames are adjustable for what ever size you need, so it should not be this hard to find.

Death of Houseplants said...

When I got mine, I think it was like $18 at an actual bed store. Also, next time you go see Munchkin, check out places in Fort Collins, and check in Boulder, as they are college towns.

Q said...

Great idea! We go far when we put our heads together!