Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Its officially spring!

Hey Ladies!
Its officially spring I stepped on my fist Gardner snake yesterday! If you do not know this already, I have a curse! If there is a Gardner snake in a fifty foot radius I'm gonna step on it. I swear to you they slither out of now were and I find them under my foot!


Munchkin said...

Yeah snakes! Did you shriek?

Alula Borealis said...

As I've always told you Q, I'm sure this is somehow related to the whole you-being-a-Catholic thing. Lol.

When I was a kid my brother and I used to catch them and keep them as pets (until one too many got let loose in the house, and then my mother decreed that snakes stayed in the garden).

But really--they are excellent little garden keepers. You should make a basking area with your flagstone to encourage them because they can do wonders for you. They keep crawly bugs that eat your plants in check, their poop is great fertilizer, they will discourage rodents from moving in, and as snakes go they do not have a painful bite, they are not poisonous, and they tend to avoid people (except for you, obviously).

Q said...

Well I know they are good for my yard, but I do not think I will need to do much to encourage them to move in. I have about ten of them according to the neighbors count. The one I stepped on was about 3ft long.
They do Keep out house mouse free though!

Alula Borealis said...

Okay so I just checked something and the technical term for these is actually "Garter" snakes--people frequently call them gardner snakes because of where they are found. Gofig, I've always called them "gardner" snakes. :)

3 feet? You're sure these are "garter" snakes? I don't think they typically get longer than about 2 feet...

After papers I'm going on a safari in your backyard. I love catching these things they make awesome pets!

I might do an extended post on this with your permission.