Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Holiday Psychosis

I just turned in my last final yesterday. Being entirely honest with myself, I did my best but I'm going to say the assignment is really worth about an 80%--I'm just not that good at Lakota. Really, I just want to pass my classes. I am way beyond the value of grades at this point, because I've come to the realization that they are entirely subjective to the opinion and abilities of the Professor teaching the course. I learn, and I pass, and I don't worry about jumping through the flaming hoops of tailoring my opinion to fit that of whoever is grading anymore.

Chores are stacking up around my house, and I suppose I'm going to have to take care of those today (to include laundry--washing/drying/folding/putting away, dishes, refilling fish tanks, and wrapping gifts). This will all be happening after work today, which I will run from 1-4, so hopefully I can get it done by the time Mr. B gets home from work.

All my Xmas decorations are up, and I'm trying to work out plans for the holiday. It's my family's turn this year, though I have a feeling that Mr. Borealis's will (as always) try to steal it in any means possible. I'm taking off next week from work to deal with the craziness of the last few months, and my Xmas shopping is 90% done.

I am strongly considering my resolutions for the coming year; I'm 1 for 3 this year, but my goals on the online store kind of changed when I got my current job. I'm still willing to do what I can if someone else is willing to manage day to day operations. I am officially ending the year the same weight I started at, and hoping I can turn this around now that I have the money to pay for a gym because I got a job (excuses, excuses--I squarely accept the blame for my own laziness , but continue to dream that I will develop some self-control and discipline). Here is my in-progress list of resolutions for 2010:

-lose 30 pounds (it's still medical--and the medical need to do this is becoming progressively worse)
-either get into a PhD program to keep my current job, or find a new job with equal pay
-get published

Additionally, I am henceforth resolving to clean out my closet and donate at least 2 laundry baskets of cloths. Anyone who wants to do resolutions with me, feel free--I will once again post them on the site where they will constantly harass you to be a better person.

'Tis the season,

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