With my pictures uploaded, here is a visual summary of driving through Kansas:
So on my drive I played ABC's I Spy with Q (you take a picture, and it has to be alphabetic and pertinent to the trip: A is for Agriculture, driving through Kansas, B is for Bridge, a miniature overpass, C is for corn, as far as the eye can see...). I made it all the way to O, and as you can imagine, Q was rather annoyed with me that day, because let's face it, there isn't much in Kansas. Did I mention that my mother-in-law decided we all had to listen to some book on tape the whole way home? It was about an older woman married to a guy with heart problems. They had relations on a rug in front of a fire and got sweaty and jiggly. And I had to listen to it with my in-laws.
Whole Lotta Nothin'.
Farm equipment advertisement.
The Largest Prairie Dog in the World?? Who could miss that? (If you're really curious click here to see it--reviews aren't good so I have never stopped to see it.)
Alula hates books on tape.
(Especially ones that are trapped in the car with me and my in-laws and discuss having carnal knowledge of old people.)
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