Saturday, February 20, 2010

Home! (...too soon?)

Mr. Borealis was released from the hospital today! :D

However, this evening he's still where he was before he went in, except with different medications and he's ten pounds heavier. I'm a little worried they sent him home too fast because he really pushed to get released. He's feverish again, nauseas, and still has bleeding ulcers.

I keep telling him we can check back in to the hospital at any time because he shouldn't be worried about the cost. We've already maxed out on whatever we would have to pay for insurance to cover everything (we had an emergency fund for such an occasion, and I'm very thankful for that right now). Insurance is kicking in and covered the insane cost of the vancomycin for his bacterial infection--we paid $25, but the cost without insurance is over $600. BTW, we have changed pharmacies to a different chain after Mr. B had trouble filling his Lialda in January, and haven't had a major issue since.



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