Friday, February 12, 2010

The Last Option.

We're scraping the bottom of the barrel for treatments for my husband. He's 6'2", and now weighs under 130lbs. He developed bleeding ulcers in his digestive tract over the weekend.

He finally got a (NEW!) doctor to proscribe him the prednisone yesterday, and that same doctor lifted the BRAT diet restrictions. Since then, he's eaten (and, surprisingly, THANKFULLY, kept down) two cans of ravioli and some Pizza Hut. The side effects of the prednisone are increased appetite, acne, mood swings, occasional nausea, and retaining water--essentially, it's going to turn him in to a pregnant woman. So hopefully he's going to put some weight back on.

The new doctor is also running some tests to see if there might be any secondary infections or other problems going on.

The next 48 hours will tell on this one.


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