What's the good of news if you haven't a sister to share it?
-- Jenny DeVries
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Cooking Tip of the Week
Monday, December 28, 2009
Happy Holidays
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Hope everyone had a very Merry Holiday!
I just wanted to drop a quick post to wish everyone a late
merryXmas (or whatever holiday you may have celebrated with friends and family). We did our share to support the economy and brighten the lives of those around us this year, and I truly hope all of you, my cherished friends, had a bright and good season filled with love and wonder.
This year was the first time I had my own money to spend on a gift for Mr. Borealis. He's put up with a lot from me over the last few years, what with my perpetual unemployment and student status, so I wanted to get him something really nice. When his iPod died a few months back and he started pining after the sleek purplr nano on the iPod website, I knew what had to be done.
I saved up and bougt him that nano. It was expensive, but good god, after him supporting both of us for so long by himself, he deserved that much. He had no idea it was coming and his face lit up like a freaking atomic bomb when he opened it.
This season I also learned that despite my strong character, my love can be bought. In the most immediate return of karma I have ever seen, this post was typed and delivered via the new iPod touch my mother-in-law got for me.
God bless us, every one!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Yet one more awesome thing to do online...

Sunday, December 20, 2009
DoHP's resolutions
So for this year
1- Get and stay organized
2- Find a job I like somewhere I like
3- Donate books and clothes to Goodwill
Hopefully I will be able to do that!
Please Help me Decide!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Walmart Fabric Department
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
New Year Resolutions
Holiday Psychosis
Monday, December 14, 2009
So how was last week
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Anyone care for some snow?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A Summary of Kansas
Monday, November 30, 2009
High school troubles
How to Heimlich a Cat
For anyone who didn't know, this is how you Heimlich a cat:
I never knew. I found this out while watching Gretal coughing up a hairball and wondering what I would do if either of my cats ever did choke on something.
McDonald's is offering free glassware with the purchase of a large Xtra value meal (price ain't bad with the glass included) and the glasses are really pretty nice. Our tall ones keep breaking in the wash so this has been a sweet deal for us.
School: All homework and no play makes Alula a dull sister. So I am thoroughly denying that I have finals due and decorating my home for the holidays, writing, and finally reading Eragon.
Career: Today I thoroughly considered my job options. I came to the conclusion that there is, in fact, a job I would leave my job for, and it's to work as an intelligence analyst. However, there are no government positions for this available in my area, so I'm good.
Mr. B: ...is out of town again. Lonely, lonely, lonely.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thankgiving, All!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Everything back to normal somewhat
Saturday, November 21, 2009
It's Christmas before Thanksgiving! Yay!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Well It Finally Happened
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Lonely...I'm so lonely...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
In which DoHP makes a post about WoW
I don't want to make another work post, and my knitting is nothing paticullarly exciting at the moment, and I haven't gone through my pictures from my tourist trap weekend, but I want to post something. And my dryer is sloooooooow.
So y'all get a World of Warcraft blither.
I've been feeling kinda meh about my hunters lately. One of them can go do big epic shiny things, if anyone ever needed dps for them, or if my connection to level 80 dungeons wasn't like swiss cheese. The other one is kinda stuck in Theramore (I still swear there's a "where a bear? There a bear!" joke in that name somewhere).
But I have a druid. She's spoiled as all get out with a dual spec (balance (pew pew lazer budige!)/resto (imagine the tree dance to this, also healy goodness)), and heirloom shoulders (nom nom 10% xp bonus!). She is also crazy fun to play. She's currently 5 levels into Outland (went at 58, will stay 'till 68, No, I don't care what Mr. B says) and is instancing her little leaves off. Yes, PuG healing is significantly less stressful than work, that's how bad work is.
Sometimes I feel like the worst tree in history, like that one BRD run, but BRD. That dungeon is just painful. And we kept having to replace people that either d/c'd or left. I went through it 3 times before actually killing the last boss. I really do like the bite size of Outland and Northrend instances. You can take a short break from questing, do the instance in about 30-45 minutes and go back to what you were doing. Oh, not old world instances. Those you have to go, "what do I want to do with my game time? Hmmm, I want to do an instance." But over 60 instances have DKs. Which vary from competant job doers to "Omg I death gripped that thing off the tank look at my awesome bad dps lol!"
There was more to this, but my dryer just beeped at me to come help it. May be more later...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Business Idea
I got just a random idea that popped into my head yesterday. For the online store what about turning it into a online craft sale and I can market to the other crafters we all see at the craft sales? People that don't want to manage their own website and Ebay is a little congested, its just an idea and I have to work out the details. Well let me know what you think.
I found the edge.
Monday, November 2, 2009
If you need a good giggle!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
There was SOOO much snow...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Gym Period Sucks.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
School, Weight, and Sleeping Computers
Change of Plans Again
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Fall Re-Vamping
Saturday, October 17, 2009
...Were back!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Change of plans
Monday, October 12, 2009
At least I was prepared this time
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Random Thought
Saturday, October 10, 2009
In which DoHP's wall of text crits you for over 9000!
Fist things first. Work. Uggg. Last year's flu season never really went away. July and August saw a little bit a reprieve, but it's been back in full force since school started. Apparently if you put kids around other kids, all of whom were healthy to begin with, you get a group of sick kids.
And since school started, that means that 1/3 of our staff now has school to deal with along with work and that makes scheduling a nightmare (not that I have to do it) and results in the flexible people working weird hours. I have two things I could do on Tuesday nights that would be fun and I would consider having a life outside of work. Both of them would start at 7. I have been scheduled 12-9 on Tuesdays for the foreseeable future. I do get weekends off though. That's good right?
I think that corporate managers need to come work in the pharmacy some days. Since the beginning of the month we've had a series of bad days that keep getting worse. Too many patients and phone calls, and not enough staff to handle it. Everybody wants their medications NOW, no matter when they got the prescription. My nightmares feature the phrases "How much and how long?" and "One pharmacy call. TWO! pharmacy calls!"
We have a little clinic-y thing in our store that is giving flu shots, and they ran out the other day. I lost track at about 30 each day on the number of calls we recieved asking, when we'd get flu shots in and other bits and pieces of information about the flu shots. Now the clinic can't answer their own calls, because there's only one person there and answering the phone would detract from them being able to see patients. Wouldn't the extra calls also detract from the pharmacy being able to serve patients too?
My chain has always been the wierd one around here and kept all the pseudoephedrine behind the front store counter with the cigarettes. That takes a tremendous load off the pharmacy. As of now, it's back in the pharmacy. I'm wondering when we'll get the time to move it, the space to put it (my pharmacy is tiny, we really have no space for anything else), and the time to sell it during the day.
I'm supossed to be the kinda-manager of the techs at my store. I already act as such. I pester people when stuff needs to get done, I do returns, I help out in sticky customer issues, I do the conference calls, etc. I've even done the class to make it official. Only thing is, it isn't yet. Because the trainer for my area hasn't gotten me in the computer as having taken the class yet. And she forgot to put some of the pre-req things in that I did, and I had to do them over again once I showed up on the "bad people who haven't done their required training" list. This made me rather mad. So, I'm still not offically the tech manager. I'm doing everything that the position requires, but I'm not getting paid properly for it.
Second, everything else. Better than work. At least a little.
I just had to put new front tires on my car. Did I mention my car? I don't remember if I did or not, but it's a long story, and if I didn't I'll tell it later. But it's not the mini-van anymore. The car runs, the radio works, it gets good gas mileage, I'm happy with it.
The last full week in September, my mom, my sister and I all went to my granny's house in VA for a week. This was the week of all the flooding in Atlanta. My community avoided most of the flooding and damage from that. Which I am thankful for.
But Virginia was fun. I saw my cousin's baby (who is HUGE. 9 weeks and 15lbs), spent time with my grandparents, and just was generally not at work. My grandparents are doing well. I don't really have much else to say about it.
My knitting keeps growing on me. Not like, "Oh I didn't this whatever before, but now it's kinda grown on me." But like my vest fit me before I washed it, now it fits my mom, who is several sizes larger than me. So, the lesson I learned here, knitted garments don't go in the washing machine even if the yarn band says they can. I was going through my yarn the other day, and realized I have a strange obsession with purple yarn. And the purple-green color combination. I think I'm going to start trying color work, which has scared me for the longest time.
I'm not going to bore you with WoW stuff. Except that some people think I have happy dungeon/questy fun time all wrong. I'm good at ignoring them. I have more to say if y'all want to hear, but I don't know if you do.
Now right before I went to VA, I was trying to update my iTunes so I could get it to work with my iPod (still dosen't, but eh.) and it was downloading and taking it's dear sweet time, so I turned off my monitor with the intention of going to bed and dealing with it in the morning. Then it starts making a noise. Like it's trying to yodel a cat. I turn the monitor back on and it's green. I force it to shut off, and try to turn it back on. The fans turn on, but it dosen't start up. I give up, and go to bed because it is late at this point. The next morning, I try again. Still the fans turn on, but nothing else. I try starting it with the vista cd in the drive, still nothing. This is my desktop that's being a booger, so there's no technical support to go with it. I look up the hours of the local computer repair shop and get ready to take it in. They can look at it while I'm out of town. I load the computer up in the car, and take it over there, and their website had the wrong hours and they were closed. I take it back home, and decided to deal with it when I got back. My laptop was working fine.
When I get back, my dad has also gotten back from a trip. And we decide to look at it some more, thinking it might be the video card that's gone bad, and of course we have at least one spare. We have a whole closet full of computer parts, old computers and other electronics, and the boxes that go with them. So I take it down to the basement (where the closet is), and we open the case and make sure everything is connected, but nothing seemed to be disconnected. So I plug it in, connect a monitor, and turn it on. It starts like a charm. It's that thing, where you take it to the computer guy and it works.
So, that's what's up with me.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
...and you all would have killed me.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
New House!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Happy Birthday, Lady A
Lady A's birthday was last night, and in grand fashion we (including myself and spouse and a couple of her friends) went out late last night and had kalamari and cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory in Denver. Mr. B and I left a little early (he had the LSAT this morning), but the rest of the group went dancing afterwards. It was her 21st birthday, and she doesn't have many friends out here yet, but I do count myself among the friends she does have.
Q and I have tossed around the idea of inviting her to post here, I see her so much lately. I think if we're still close in January, I will invite her to post, or at least send her a link to this forum. I would greatly appreciate comments (pro or con) on this topic.
Other stock items include a book I am currently editing. I have sworn to myself I will try to publish this one. I have already invited Q, GymRat (a friend of mine), and *gasp* Mr. B to read it as test readers. Anyone who wants to read it, shoot me an email and I'll give you the document link--if I ever make it big, I promise you all a very nice dinner, at least. I've decided one of my resolutions for next year is to get published.
And that brings me around to this year's resolutions. With 3 months left in the year, I'm assessing my situation once again. I got the job. Q is selling online, and has plans to utilize the online store we set up together. Now all I have left is my weight, which I admit, has been a big problem for me. I'm trying to zero in on it these last few months, because this needs to get done.
How is everyone else doing?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
First Freeze
As tends to happen to me when fall rolls around, I'm experiencing my annual moment of clarity in direction. Several weeks ago an opportunity came up at work (still in the air--a possibility and not a certainty) where my temporary position might become a career position if I got a PhD, which tuition costs would be reimbursed on.
So for weeks now I have been agonizing over whether to do it or not, and if I did, what PhD program I would go into. I thought about doing one in Computer Science for the bankability factor, but the idea that they would probably make me get a (3rd, good God) Master's along the way gave me ulcers. I am so ready to be done with on-campus school and beyond ready to be in the workforce full time.
I considered Geography, which is the preference of my workplace, but it just doesn't seem to have many cross-field applications. I considered linguistics, but my program there is not making me happy lately--no one is available to meet with me about completing my program. I considered doing more information management and library science, but what's it good for if you're not going to teach?
Well, yeserday I just knew. I just knew--it's information management and library science. When the time rolls around and if it's still possible, that's what I'm doing. It's good for me to build a career where I am, and will give me a leg up over other librarians in the future if I were to ever leave (...and I could always teach at a university). Plus, it's a lower stress career than others I have considered, so more time to focus on my writing.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Over the river and through the woods
So, uh...
Here's a random video in exchange
Sunday, September 6, 2009
more about jerky
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
All dogs go to heaven
Today, more upsetting news. My mom texted me that she found her beloved dog, Ginger, passed on of seemingly natural causes earlier today. She was 14 (I think), and my mom found her out back, apparently sunbathing, except she wasn’t there anymore.
Ginger used to do this thing when she sunbathed, where she would lay there until she just couldn’t stand it and then she would jump up panting hysterically with this big goofy dog grin on her face and she’d come inside and stretch out on the cool kitchen floor. I’m happy that’s how she went—it’s how she would have wanted to go, I think. I like to think of her jumping up and running off panting to lie on the kitchen floor in the sky, not even noticing she left her body behind.
We used to call her our Big Dog. She was seven pounds of “vicious” Miniature Pincher—she’d tell anyone who begged to differ, too. She got Q good on the ankle once. But as with all super beings, her kryptonite was sprinklers, and whenever we went for a walk we had to cross the street to avoid them.
Apparently my brother’s dog passed on today too; Kilo was still pretty young for a German Sheppard (5ish, I think). But he was sick with something, I’m not sure what, and we knew he was going to have a shorter life. He was a good dog. We used to joke that my mom’s little dogs must have thought he was a horse (but not Ginger—she was bigger than every other dog on the planet).
Ginger and Kilo are survived by a large family of critters and people, including Spooky the cat and Lily the toy fox terrier.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Deliquent blogger returns!
What's the most professional way to word "I'll move back to Denver when I find a job in Denver. After giving my current job two weeks notice of course. And a week to drive." ?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Jerky Time
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Saga of Grumpy Begins
Now for the interesting stuff... I have overloaded myself once again, like Alula I am a masochist. The gal I work with, I am referring to her as Grumpy because she brings a cloud of doom and hate with her while somehow managing to make her face look like an ugly dwarf, she is terrible. Behind my back she is going to my boss attempting to become my supervisor, and she's only been here one week longer than I have. Neither of us are trained enough to be the supervisor at this point, and she is being very sneaky instead of being honest and waiting her turn. Do not take this as me wanting the position for myself, I want only to work... not to be anything special. I enjoy my job, and she is making my life miserable.
She has left ealy everyday for the past two months and our current supervisor, Sparkley, was getting very upset and speaking her mind to the whole front office including Grumpy's best buddy Prego, after she left. Prego proceeded to tell Grumpy what Sparkley had said the very next morning, and there was a confrontation that afternoon. Sparkley is a good friend of mine and got me the job, so now I am almost sure I am getting the silent treatment because Grumpy assumed I was complaining to Sparkley about her, and that I want to stop her from getting a promotion. The other morning our big boss was running late and had a meeting promptly at 10am with three men from Korea, he called to say he was late and keep them happy until he gets there in a bit, not one minute later they walk through the front door. She was so rude to them they left and came back about 30 minutes later. Knowing that these men just got off an airplane from Korea to come see us, it baffles me to think they could be treated with such a non-care and disrespectful attitude. Everyday I come into work and sit there for 8 hours getting the silent treatment from both my coworkers. All this just started... heck we actually used to get along and communicate like civilized human being once in a while before this experience.
I am getting very frustrated with this woman, and wish i could speak my mind to her so she knows that I didn't do anything, and the problems people may or may not have with her are not because of me but because of her own actions and rudeness to everyone. Oh... And did I forget to mention, she's pregnant and hasn't told anyone yet.
What should I do???
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Plagues of Egypt in my home...
So just to sum things up here, I thought I'd recap all of the plagues of Egypt my home has suffered this summer:
Blood: period that lasted a month.
Knats: Never had them before. Now they are in every house plant I own.
Wild Animals: Gretal and Count. Enough said. Oh, and the deer incident.
Pestilence: We'll substitute "wasps" here.
Incurably Boils:
Hail: Yup. That too--on car, garden, and home.
Locusts: We'll substitute "husband" for this one, as he killed my garden.
Darkness: 3 power outages and counting. One of which made us both late for work.
Death of the Firstborn:
We have also suffered flooding in the basement and in our upstairs bathroom when the toilet overflowed, a heart attack, and a car accident. And for some reason all the walking I've been doing has caused me to gain weight, rather inexplicably, and I'm hitting 185 again walking 2.4 miles a day--what with that?
Boy, I just can't wait for the frogs, incurable boils, and death of the firstborn to get here. (Not really--please don't smite me further!)
On the bright side I got my shiny new badge yesterday and a work laptop (DELL latitude 6000 series...oh baby!) today. I was also invited by my colleagues to speak at a conference in April.
Also, I feel like a really crappy friend. It feels like every time I call Q lately it’s to have her cover my butt, save my butt, or drive my butt somewhere. Q, hon, you’re the greatest—and please feel free to say no. And I totally owe you a deck of tarot cards for everything you do for me. Just send me an email link to what you want and I’ll order it with my school books.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The long walk
Also, Mr. Borealis called me while on the walk. He asked me if I could come down to Pueblo to keep him company. I said, "Oh, sweetie, I would but I have a job now."
And he said, "Well, can't you just quit your job?"
I said, "I would, but then I'd get bleep
He paused, and then he said, "Well that's true. You just can't win, can you?"
Ah, the plight of women.
Cars, Business, Wasps, Screaming, and Camping
Mr. B's Outback had just gotten fixed and gone to Pueblo,
It got into a fight with a hailstorm and to more fixing insurance said "no",
Went car shopping & tried to trade in the '93 trooper C4C,
Found it wasn't eligible due to procrastination by Mr. B,
Then went Rolla on a business dealing,
Mr. B found a wasps' nest in the kitchen ceiling,
Had to beg Q for assistance due to husband's vanity,
Q of course came through and saved my kitties and my sanity,
Mr. B freaked out and decided to clean basement,
Apparently got rid of my stuff with permission and still hasn't f-ing apologized,
Got off the plane just in time to fight with husband,
Packed my crap post haste and almost decided marriage was canned,
Briefly discussed if free education was prudent,
Got accused by Mr. B of being perpetual dirty-hippie student,
Went camping one hour later with Q, Munchkin, and spouses,
Banned fighting for the weekend even though all men are louses,
Had 6 hours to share alone with Mr. B on Sunday,
Then we both woke up and went our separate ways.
And the long version:
Well, in case I didn't say this already, Mr. B's Outback had just gotten fixed from the run in with the deer when he drove it down to Pueblo and got stuck in a hail storm. It didn't do any real damage, but apparantly it dinged every exterior portion of the shell of the car to the extent that insurance called it a total loss: cost of repair exceeds total value of car. So we took a settlement and now have a no-value dinged up car.
Realizing we were nowin possession of two cars in need of replacement, we decided to make a move on Cash for Clunkers because my trooper is 16 years old and gets 15 miles to the gallon. Well, thanks to the fact that my husband dragged his butt getting it registered (and had me driving it without registration for 3 months without knowing it), we have not technically "owned" this vehicle for 1 year so it does not qualify. And my husband's procrastination has finally screwed us over in the form of losing a $4,500 coupon for a new car.
I went to Rolla, MO for my first business trip last week; I feel I should note here that they took really good care of us because the flights and hotels were awesome. On Wednesday morning I get this phone call just as I walk through the door to my first meeting:
"Oh, hey Mr. B--unless something serious is happening, can I call you back around lunch?"
"Oh, um, well...I woke up this morning and there's wasps inside the house?"
"Inside the house?"
"Yeah they're coming through a hole in the kitchen ceiling."
"Can I take care of this when I get home tonight?"
I laugh. "Not unless you want to come home to a house full of wasps--they could swarm and kill our cats. You need to take care of this like now."
Said in irritated tone: "Well, Alula, what do I do?"
I sit there in stunned disbelief for a moment. Then I respond: "Well hon, I'm in Missouri right now, so you're going to have to take care of this one by yourself."
"By doing what?!"
"Call someone."
And about this time, in my head, I'm going well, there are bugs in the house and you don't want them there...who the bleep do you think you call? I say: "I'm guessing anyone from your dad to 911 depending on how many there are and what they're doing. Jesus--just assess the situation and take care of it. Or keep calling responsible adults until you find one that can help you!"
And I hung up and went to my meeting. I text him that he needs to call Orkin and then let it go. I call his father a little later to be sure he isn't suffering death by wasps alone in our home. Turns out Mr. B has gone to work.
The irony of the situation? I call Q later and she starts with "I got this frantic call from your husband earlier. He needed to know what to do to get wasps out of the house..."
The wasps really freaked him out. Orkin came the next day and gased the invaders and the nest, which was apparently inside our kitchen ceiling. We're still dealing with stragglers trying to rebuild.
Apparently Mr. B thought the basement was too dirty for Orkin to see (no kidding, that was his reasoning) so he "cleaned" it. By breaking a lot of my stuff and donating some of it without permission. I'm still not okay with it and much screaming ensued.
Then when I got home I saw the real damage and there was more screaming. And then I tried to talk to him about how my work is now offering to pay for me to get a PhD--literally pay for it. And pay me regular salary in addition and accomodate my scheduling needs for school. Mr. B said I can't do it because I was "going to become a permanent student" and blah blah blah. We were both pretty pissy and yelly and angry.
Then we took a fifteen mminute breather, started over, and just packed our crap and went out to the camp site where Q and Munchkin and spouses were waiting. We had a lovely weekend of geocaching, s'mores, and freezing our chicklets off. The tight sleeping arrangements of our tent allowed me the perfect excuse to get an albeit amature form of revenge on my husband by breaking gas while we were forced to spoon.
Then we got home, watched some TV, fought a little more, went to bed, and woke up. Now I'm back at work and he's back in Pueblo and we're getting along fine and missing each other terribly. I'm exhausted and I have to plan Movie Night for tomorrow and my family is not making things easy.
Ociffer and Snow were having a rough time of it with Post Partum Depression--she kicked him out and basically absconded with his child for a couple of weeks only allowing him visitation. According to my mom they're "doing better now". God bless him, I hate to see my brother going through these situations. My sister is having some sort of issue now too that she won't tell me about, and my cousin had her baby--another August baby--a healthy little girl. And my grandmother wants to spend more time with me, which I feel guilty about because she lives literally on my same block and I have like no time. I'm setting something up with her for later this week.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Present from my Cat
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Evil Pharmacist
There is an evil pharmacist at my pharmacy. Every time I get her, there is undoubtedly a "problem" with my insurance. Now, the problem is as follows: she goes to run my insurance, and it comes back saying I owe the full amount on whatever prescription. For my birth control, full price is more than $60/month, when insurance knocks it down to a co-pay of $25. Now, I feel I should note this woman is in fact a real pharmacist, she's at least 50 and has been there since I started filling my prescriptions 2 years ago, and she gets really rude really fast and speaks perfect English. This is not an issue where she is lacking training, experience, wisdom, or appropriate communication.
The first time this happens I brushed it off. I thought, "Eh, well...it's probably a computer error." I took the evil pharmacist's advice and kept my receipt, went home and called insurance to see what was up. They said I only owed $25, even though I had paid $60. I kept this to myself as money was tight at the time (Mr. Borealis was between jobs). When I went back the evil pharmacist said her computer said $60, so if I couldn't provide proof then I couldn't get a refund. She didn't want to talk to insurance.
From then on I avoided that pharmacist because she was rude. However, last fall I was 2 days late on the refill and finally caved. I thought it would run smooth and surely whatever issue or lacking training in entering insurance info had been remedied since our last encounter. Not so. That time she told me my insurance was expired. I said no, it was not. She looked at my card and said it was through the state, and having worked there for twelve years or something, they renewed every October so I needed a new card for my insurance to apply. That didn't sound right to me, so I called Mr. B and sure enough, our insurance was current and renewed in July. Evil pharmacist said her computer said my insurance was expired. I checked to be sure the correct date was on the card, pointed it out, and evil pharmacist said I needed a new card but to keep my receipt. I went home, Mr. B agreed it was weird, he called the insurance company who also agreed it shouldn't have happened, and we requested new cards just in case. I went back in for a refund, this time with my paper proof, and the evil pharmacist said that she could not issue a refund because it was more than 10 days old. I'm thinking, "$%^#%!" I again keep this secret from Mr. B.
Here's the kicker: the next month I go in to pick up my birth control with my fresh insurance card (no information changed--just a new piece of plastic) and have it in hand when I get to the counter to pick up. The evil pharmacist walks in and takes my order, relieving the pharmacist who I had walked up to. I tell her my last name, she gets my birth control, and says "That'll be $25." without even looking at my card. My jaw drops. I say, "You made me go through the ordeal of getting a new card because you told me my insurance was expired--then you refused to refund me when the error wasn't with insurance. It went through this time?" She shrugs and repeats that it's $25. I pay and grind my teeth all the way out to the car. I vow that I will sooner get pregnant before dealing with this inept woman again.
Today, I'm working hard on end of semester projects. I send Mr. B out to get my birth control. Well, guess who he got at the counter? And guess how much my birth control was, because the computer said so, even though Mr. B told all these previous stories and had them check their record to confirm we usually pay $25? Evil pharmacist made him pay $60 anyways, and as always "keep the receipt."
So he came home and told me what happened. And guess who just got blasted by name and store location to the corporate email address?
Vindication will be mine. I kept my receipts.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Checking in on the New Year's Resolution
So now that we're a little more than halfway through the year, I'm checking in on my New Year's Resolutions (listed on the right sidebar). I'm a little behind on the dates I had set for myself, but generally optimistic about things.
I got my job at more pay and more hours and better perks than I had envisioned; however, it is a desk job, and the first few weeks pretty effectively crashed my diet back to start. Worse than where I started, actually.
Prepare for the brutal honesty. And if any of you tell Mr. Borealis (or anyone else, for that matter) my real numbers, I will torture you with a spork.
I went from 170 to about 185. My feet started killing me because I have a genetic condition where my tissues lack the normal degree of collagen, so I think the arches in my feet just gave. This was around the time that I had to buy new shoes with better arch support. However, I started severe damage control on my weight about 2 weeks ago, as it was my second resolution after getting a job to finance school. I weighed in this morning at 179, with my goal still being in the 140s.
I'm not sure how the online store is going; lately I don't have time to make my own products to sell. I'm still hoping to get that thing running by year's end.