Thursday, February 3, 2011

felting wool

I know it looks like poo right now!



Death of Houseplants said...

Did you dye that yourself? And is it felted? It's lovley!

Q said...

It is felted, I have a lot to learn about felting. I did not dye it myself, but thats the next step.

Death of Houseplants said...

It looks needle felted, or did you do the hot water and agitation method of felting?

Dyeing is a whole lot of fun! I do acid dyes in a really cheap crock pot and they turn out really pretty.

Q said...

Its a combo of needle felting and hot water wet felting, do you by any chance know how to wet felt? I am getting a pound of Alpaca in the mail tomorrow. I needle felted the blobs on it.

Death of Houseplants said...

I do know how to wet felt! One way to do it is to put the piece in the washing machine, check on it frequently, and hope it turns out well.

A more fun way that I've found is to get a bucket, fill it with hot, but not boiling water, put the piece in, get an UNUSED plunger and plunge the snot out of the thing in the bucket.

The main ingredients in wet felting are hot water and agitation, so there are other methods that would work too.

And if things turn out over felted, soak the piece in some vinegar water to loosen it up some and try again.