Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lady A

Well ladies, Lady A called me last night. For those of you who have forgotten Lady A, she's dating our friend the Ambassador. She moved across the country to come out here, and the Ambassador is now in China on some sort of teaching stint. Lady A habitually hangs out at my place every other week for movie night, and I have expressed to Mr. B that if they break up, my vote is that we keep Lady A.

Lady A's birthday was last night, and in grand fashion we (including myself and spouse and a couple of her friends) went out late last night and had kalamari and cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory in Denver. Mr. B and I left a little early (he had the LSAT this morning), but the rest of the group went dancing afterwards. It was her 21st birthday, and she doesn't have many friends out here yet, but I do count myself among the friends she does have.

Q and I have tossed around the idea of inviting her to post here, I see her so much lately. I think if we're still close in January, I will invite her to post, or at least send her a link to this forum. I would greatly appreciate comments (pro or con) on this topic.

Other stock items include a book I am currently editing. I have sworn to myself I will try to publish this one. I have already invited Q, GymRat (a friend of mine), and *gasp* Mr. B to read it as test readers. Anyone who wants to read it, shoot me an email and I'll give you the document link--if I ever make it big, I promise you all a very nice dinner, at least. I've decided one of my resolutions for next year is to get published.

And that brings me around to this year's resolutions. With 3 months left in the year, I'm assessing my situation once again. I got the job. Q is selling online, and has plans to utilize the online store we set up together. Now all I have left is my weight, which I admit, has been a big problem for me. I'm trying to zero in on it these last few months, because this needs to get done.

How is everyone else doing?


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Freeze

Today is the last hours of summer and the first of fall--and it's frickin' freezing out!


As tends to happen to me when fall rolls around, I'm experiencing my annual moment of clarity in direction. Several weeks ago an opportunity came up at work (still in the air--a possibility and not a certainty) where my temporary position might become a career position if I got a PhD, which tuition costs would be reimbursed on.

So for weeks now I have been agonizing over whether to do it or not, and if I did, what PhD program I would go into. I thought about doing one in Computer Science for the bankability factor, but the idea that they would probably make me get a (3rd, good God) Master's along the way gave me ulcers. I am so ready to be done with on-campus school and beyond ready to be in the workforce full time.

I considered Geography, which is the preference of my workplace, but it just doesn't seem to have many cross-field applications. I considered linguistics, but my program there is not making me happy lately--no one is available to meet with me about completing my program. I considered doing more information management and library science, but what's it good for if you're not going to teach?

Well, yeserday I just knew. I just knew--it's information management and library science. When the time rolls around and if it's still possible, that's what I'm doing. It's good for me to build a career where I am, and will give me a leg up over other librarians in the future if I were to ever leave (...and I could always teach at a university). Plus, it's a lower stress career than others I have considered, so more time to focus on my writing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Over the river and through the woods

So, I'm away from the internet for a week. So, phone calls and text messages are the best way to get in touch with me, or e-mail (horray for phones).

So, uh...

Here's a random video in exchange

Sunday, September 6, 2009

more about jerky

Help! anyone have an idea what color i should paint little mans room? after almost 2 years its almost done i just need to decide on a paint color and a carpet color and type. The room also has to be resold so it has to be kind of generic. And i need to figure out how much to sell my elk jerky for I'm leaning towards 6$ per 4 oz. Anyone think that's to much? I sort of want to do 8$ per quarter pound. I do 2 types of jerky whole muscle and ground meat. and 5 flavors: three pepper and garlic pepper that have MSG and then chipoltle, cracked pepper with garlic and original that don't have any MSG. Each pkg of seasoning cost about 7$ each and season 15 pounds of raw meat that after dried about 3-4 pounds of raw equal 1 pound of dry. And it takes 6-8 hours to dry at 160 degrees F. Marinating time is about 8-12 hours more for whole muscle. and i live in a low income housing. So i want to do 8$ but because of the area 6 might be better. Well let me know what anyone thinks.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

All dogs go to heaven

Well ladies, sad day. Sad week. I was supposed to have my birthday party last Sunday night, but my family was too sick. Mr. B offered that we hang out with his folks, but that’s not really a birthday fun situation for me so we just hung out at home instead. He got me speakers and a new memory card for my camera. :)

Today, more upsetting news. My mom texted me that she found her beloved dog, Ginger, passed on of seemingly natural causes earlier today. She was 14 (I think), and my mom found her out back, apparently sunbathing, except she wasn’t there anymore.

Ginger used to do this thing when she sunbathed, where she would lay there until she just couldn’t stand it and then she would jump up panting hysterically with this big goofy dog grin on her face and she’d come inside and stretch out on the cool kitchen floor. I’m happy that’s how she went—it’s how she would have wanted to go, I think. I like to think of her jumping up and running off panting to lie on the kitchen floor in the sky, not even noticing she left her body behind.

We used to call her our Big Dog. She was seven pounds of “vicious” Miniature Pincher—she’d tell anyone who begged to differ, too. She got Q good on the ankle once. But as with all super beings, her kryptonite was sprinklers, and whenever we went for a walk we had to cross the street to avoid them.

Apparently my brother’s dog passed on today too; Kilo was still pretty young for a German Sheppard (5ish, I think). But he was sick with something, I’m not sure what, and we knew he was going to have a shorter life. He was a good dog. We used to joke that my mom’s little dogs must have thought he was a horse (but not Ginger—she was bigger than every other dog on the planet).

Ginger and Kilo are survived by a large family of critters and people, including Spooky the cat and Lily the toy fox terrier.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Deliquent blogger returns!

Okay, I promise I'll make a real post later.

What's the most professional way to word "I'll move back to Denver when I find a job in Denver. After giving my current job two weeks notice of course. And a week to drive." ?