Monday, June 30, 2008

Alula on Vacation

So, Mr. Borealis is out of town again this week. And here's the kicker--I'm out of town with him! I'll be hanging around our barely-not-seedy hotel until we come back Thursday. My mom is watching the pets and plants.

In other news, as Q already knows, I've started selling my fairies on Ebay. And another kicker--they're actually selling! My computer is refusing to upload the images now, which probably has something to do with the crappy unprotected wireless in this hotel (it's the one with a number in the name). They're probably afraid it's illegal contraband nakedness or something. Though the wireless here is free, which is a step up from a motel the Procrastinator set us up in a few years back (that one charged $5 per logon). I'll upload them as soon as possible--considering setting up a separate site to use as a gallery.

Welcome home Mr. Q!


hey ladies,
I think I have fallen off my cracker! Mr. Q was flying home last night after three weeks of army training, It took him three extra house because it was windy in Chicago. (surprised?) It was a really late night by the time we got back from the Air Port and he has to be up in five hours to report for more training. We fall into bed because I have had a long day too and I can't fall asleep because he smells different! Its not that he smelt bad or unshowered he just smelt different! Some one explane the different!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Double standards

I know this double standard isn't up to par with most of the ones that women find (You must be smart, but not as smart as your guy. You are a slut, but he's a stud. etc.), but it was annoying today. You're supposed to wash your bras and other delicates in a lingerie bag, but the bags them selves are very difficult to find. *grumble*

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

While Mr. Borealis is away...

I've promised these pictures for a while, and I figure there might be a fair bit of interest for them because my home is perpetually compulsively clean. While Mr. Borealis is away on business, I usually take the time to explore my creative side by doing all the messy stuff I'm not allowed to when he's around. Sorry for the poor lighting in the pics.

Ladies, I present for your amazement the messiest my home has ever been:

These photos were taken during Mr. B's extended business trip to D.C. last April/May, and I decided to clean out the basement and the craft room--it took me 5 days to get it this bad, and almost as long to clean it up. He arrived home never knowing it looked like this at all.

Other business trip secrets include: purchase of a salad bowl set, rat vomit, flooding the courtyard, dying my tongue blue with a sucker, naked morning yoga in the living room, spending an entire day in my underpants on the couch watching legal drama, playing one computer game on the desktop while simultaneously playing another on my laptop AND eating nothing but cheap noodles all day, the one time I used our entire coffee table as a sculpting surface for polymer clay, and using Italian salad dressing and mild salsa as a meat marinade because I was too lazy to go to the store.

By the way, on that last one happened today--I give the recipe four couch potatos out of five.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bad Luck

The darn squirrels are at it again! This one has figured out that if he hangs by his very tippy toes from the wall fixture, he's just long enough to get at the food in the bird feeder.

Well, it was one of THOSE days today!

Q, if you read this, the bag of dried foliage on top of your television stand is mine for making fairies.

Woke up today and watered my plants with the handy new hose and nozzle sprayer attachment my mom donated to me. Then went inside and got out my rats to play on the couch. I set them up with some new boxes and towels to play in, and set about the work of eating lunch, watching a movie, and making fairies.

Then I notice Clover (our black hooded rat) isn't acting right. She's crawling away under the towels and acting tired and weak, and every so often her tiny body seems to convulse. Before freaking out I think that maybe she's just tired, which is rare for play time but not unheard of; then the vomiting starts.

Now, I had read some years ago that rats can't vomit. I don't know where I read this, but I distinctly remember reading an article on how the lack of ability of rats to vomit is why they are so susceptible to poisoning. Well, either that article was wrong, or my rat has evolved. She vomited. And vomited. And vomited. And every time, she tried to force it back down her throat to get rid of it, so for three hours I sat there and swabbed out my rat's mouth to clear whatever her body was rejecting, and then she took a long nap, and now she's fine. Turns out she'd nibbled off some of the foil lining on a food box I'd given them to play in--they'd used this kind of box before without issue, but I guess rats change, and this box is now on the banned toy list in our house.

So after seeing my baby is okay, and cleaning up the mess of vomit strewn towels, I go back out to hit my plants for an afternoon watering. Guess what? I forgot to turn the hose off the first time I was out, and the hose burst from the pressure of water not being able to release from the closed nozzle. So my courtyard was flooded about 4 inches deep. Again, this was a pain, and I worried a little about the damage to the foundation, but it was such a hot day that all the water had either drained or evaporated in about 2 hours.

Three cheers for rat vomit,

Cough Syrup of the Beast

Today I was at work, like I am most days. The phone rings like it does bajillions of times every day. My co-worker picks up the phone. I don't pay any attention to the conversation, as I'm working on a prescription for someone else. The only thing I notice is that she transfers the call to the front store after saying that she didn't know if we had the product as she can't find it in our computer.

A couple minutes later, the phone rings again. I answer it this time and there's a lady on the other end asking A) why she got transfered to the front store when every other pharmacy (I guess she has called all of them) can answer her question, and B) do we have a cough syrup called 6-6-6?

Who knew Hell made cough syrup?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Wet paw strikes again!

Wetpaw; dear sweet Wetpaw! He came out of his bedroom with a wafting order if general unshoweredness to make mac and cheese. He gets upset because I have not done dishes, even though he has done one load since he moved in. Anyhoo! He has to ask were a pot is because he has only lived here for five months, I get him one and he tells me its too big. I'm tired and my husband is gone so i'm pissy, i say " you do not have to use the hole pot!" and walk out of the kitchen.
The boy get upset because the spoon he is using is getting soft and starting to bend in the hot water he says "you know we really need to get some better spoons"
"Wetpaw! you can not leave them in the water"
" but it should be heat safe"
"you sill can not leave it in the water!"
" well we need to buy better ones" (this really means that I need to buy better ones)
" Wetpaw! I can not afford to buy a six dollar spoon"
"its only six dollars!"
" six dollars is worth a hole lot more when you do not have it!"
" well just use Mr.Q's money"
This is the part were I resort to the 'Female glare'
Later I come back to the Kitchen to find pasta in the side of the sink that does not have the disposal in it (by the way never ever ever put pasta down the disposal it will break, it just wraps around the blades!)
and the dirty pot and spoon on the stove! GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRrrrrr!
What am I going to do with this animal living in my house!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

New Widgets and Gadgets

Ladies, a few new things on the page for your approval.

We now have a wedding countdown on your left in expectation of Munchkin's wedding, and a magic 8-ball on your right just below the new counter. I have also put a cast listing at the bottom of the page to keep Madam Tricksie company, st6erotyping ourselves as best as I could (sorry, Munchkin--choices were limited and there was no pilot's cap; this is the best I could do). Anyone who wishes a character change or that any feature be removed please let me know!

Now, if I could onlt figure out why all my text is sticking to the left margin...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sisterhood Makeover

As my HTML savvy improves, so shall this page, but only if it sparkles with the sisterhood.

Opinions on the new look, anyone?


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Garden

Alright, I got a few more from my garden. I finally got a picture of my Bluejay; I apologize that it was taken through a screen door, but the darn bird shows three times a day and stays for about thirty seconds every time (about how long it takes to start up my camera).

And this is my's not so smallish anymore. I've labeled all the plants if you are able to view the larger image.
Also, could everyone please give a moment of thought for our baby Lexis. We found a tumor on her a few days ago, and she will eventually have to undergo a risky surgery.

Ah, cute little ratty!


Friday, June 13, 2008

My Car! (reprise)

I resituated the bird feeder. After a while, the squirrel decided it was just too darn hot to be screwing with it and crashed in the shade.

Well, my car quit on me on Monday. It is now Friday, and I still have no car. And once again, this fact is do to the crafty work of Mr. Borealis and his lackadaisical father the Procrastinator. The Procrastinator told us he would fix it Thursday (saving us a boatload of money we don't have for car repairs), except that his wife had scheduled a dinner party that night that he had been informed of and 'forgotten.' Men.

Because the car was not fixed, Mr. Borealis volunteered that I could take his car to work on Friday as I was unable to get to work at all the rest of the week. Then he woke up this morning and said, "I need to x and y and z and change the oil in my car. Blah blah blah. You can't take the car to work, I have stuff that needs to get done!" And after a week of being a hostage at the house with no transportation, I said "WELCOME TO MY WORLD!!!"

He wanted me to take one of my parent's cars. This would not have been a problem if I had called the day before and asked them (you know, around the time he was saying "Just take my car, it's not a big deal."). That way my dad could have driven the van to work, leaving his car available for me to drive without inconveniencing my mother who watches the nieces and nephews during the day and has her own car loaded with car seats.

I've decided most problems in life are caused by men and their poor communication skills.

Luckily, my mother seems to realize this and (God Bless the woman and her psychic male mind reading abilities) asked my dad to drive the van anyways so his car would be available "just in case."

I quit biting my nails like last month and started again today. Also, I've gained two pounds on my diet thanks to my inability to leave the house (read: kitchen) this week. Swore I had gone cold turkey off of fast food and was doing good these last two weeks, and then fell off the wagon at the golden arches last night. But I made some really cute fairies between bouts of programming for work in the living room--pictures to come!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Complete your own adventure: Mystery of the Pharmacy call

The phone rings, it's picked up. You hear:
"Big Chain Pharmacy, this is Death of Houseplants, how can I help you?"

How do you respond?
"Is the male pharmacist there?"
-"No sir, he's not, he'll be in tomorrow, would you like to talk to today's pharmacist?"
-"No it's fine, I'll ask you, do you have the his and hers lube?"
"I have a worker's comp there. I only have one pill left and my shoulder still hurts from when that &@%#^ beat me up at work"
-"*sounds of mental break down on other end of the line*"
"I need a refill"
- Pause
-"Okay, what's your name"
- "Q"
- "Okay, what's your last name"
-"*Last name*"
- "What do you need the refill on?"
-"I'll just give you the number"
- *Sounds of tech beating head on counter* (numbers are easier)
"I haven't pooped in 3 days, can you tell me something to take?"
-"Let me grab my pharmacist"
"When can I fill my Lortabs/Somas/Vicodens/Xanaxes/Tramadols?"
-"You got them filled last week"
"Hey this is cool girl from the store down the street, do you have a drug in stock?"
-"I don't know if the drug you want but I have one in stock, actually I have lots of drugs in stock, I don't happen to have Metformin today, but I'm pretty well stocked on everything else"

A real life unicorn!

Hey ladies, I found another gem of an article here.

It's about a deer born in a reserve with a genetic anomalie that gave it one horn centered on its head. The picture is amazing, and once again science has reaffirmed my bizzaro belief in magic and the fantastic. I have to wonder if maybe these creatures did exist at some point as a species, and perhaps were angled out of evolution by their better-equiped two-horned rivals.

Pretty cool, huh?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Crazy Again

A Mediterranean sunset I took a picture of back in 2003.

Ladies, I woke up again feeling like I'm wasting my life, or at least not enjoying it as much as I should be. Mr. Borealis and I started into marriage counseling last Friday; went okay--about as expected. Get ready for a shocker: we have control issues. The counselor is a nice guy. I don't think we have the money for the kinds of counseling he's suggested we need (sad as it is, this is kind of funny to me).

I can't figure out why my brain won't engage lately. I keep getting stumped by minor difficulties at my (unpaid) work and then I can't seem to get motivated enough to get going again. I've applied for a few other jobs because I could really use the money, but I guess I'm really hoping the change will snap me out of this.

I can't read. I can't write. I can't draw, paint, knit, crochet, sculpt, or garden. I haven't even been able to really take satisfactory pictures. None of it is really enjoyable anymore, and my freaking migraines are back. At least it's raining today. I heard there's a chance for thunder storms tonight, which would be nice.

For the time being the current writing project has been put on hold--it's not turning out the way I want it. It's flavorless, like most other things in my life right now. A new project begins which is hopefully more productive.

And the cheap flash counter no longer displays so now I have to hunt down and gut another one,

Monday, June 2, 2008

Spring has Sprung!!!

Ah, winter. I've got to say I love the cold weather. Allow us to reflect--I took this one from the back courtyard last February-ish:

And now I shall shamelessly brag about the success of my mini-garden!

My tiny little raspberry sprig managed to produce real fruit, which was a blessing and a surprise.

Remember those pumpkin seeds I planted back start of March-ish? They're flowering now.I have no idea what this plant is called--it was a freebie that came with the planter (my mom downsized her own garden and gave me a lot of her big pots). I love the colors, though, and sure has made the front courtyard look spiffy!Even my little indoor orange tree flowered. The flowers only last a few days, so I hand pollinated them and now I have the potential for 5 little oranges to start growing (for the size of the tree this would be a stretch--I'll probably get 2-3).And finally, the latest addition to the back courtyard. This is our bird feeder (with a bird!). We get mostly sparrows, but we also have a handsome blue jay that visits two times daily; I'm hoping to get a picture of him to post here. It's also attracted two squirrels (a male and a female)--I wouldn't mind the squirrels at all if they hadn't made a habit of digging all the birdseed out onto the ground in search of the sunflower seeds. So we are currently seeking a new squirrel-proofed location for the feeder.Surely more to come from the garden,
