Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Quick questions

If I tell y'all why I'm asking it'll jinx it.

Munchkin- What are your wedding colors? Or another set of favorite colors?

Q- You still like green right?

Alula- You like fall/warm colors I think? Tell me if I'm wrong please.

Monday, August 25, 2008

(Bangs head against wall)

Well. For all of you who aren't Q, I'll do a recap. And because I'm feeling the groove, I shall do it in prose to the tune of a limerick.

There was a Comp Linguist in school,
Starting to think "This ain't cool."
She went on vacation,
Had a big revelation,
Could start Librarian school 'round yule.

Yep. That'll do'er. I went for a week to my Granny's in Tulsa, and read Stephanie Meyer's Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse in a span of 3 days. You all MUST read these books, they are the best (and possibly better) since Harry Potter. My mummy is getting me Breaking Dawn for my birthday, and I can hardly wait.

After Tulsa, I went for a week to Salida with Mr. Borealis. I wrote a new book, and suddenly realized I'm not really happy with my college classes or my job--I love literature. None of my classes pertain to anything I'll ever do in the real world, and my job has pretty well stalled out (and isn't even paying me gas money anymore), and I'm not psyched about starting over somewhere else in the field, not that there are jobs to be had (I've been looking).

So I haven't told my parents yet, and I'm thinking this might be one of those snap decisions you later regret, but I'm heavily considering dropping my current MA program in CompLing and applying to an online one for an MLS that starts in January. I hate to put it this way, but I think the fact that Mr. B's mom, hereafter The Librarian, is a librarian, made me not see it before because I've been trying so hard not to become her.

I was never head over heels about being a Comp Linguist--it was the one practical job a linguist could hold in our society, so I went with it. I feel like I really WANT this--I'm actually excited to do this, even if the pay isn't as much.

I guess we'll see if the crazy streak holds,

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

new job!

hey ladies!
It looks like i might have landed myself a second job! Its at a bead store that is right down the street from me! WWWWWWWWWWWWooooooooHHHHHHOOOOOOO! Its only seven dollars a hour but I do not have to drive there!
They hired me on spot so hopefully it will work out, but I am always worried about getting my hopes up when getting a new job. I always expect them to not work out. I'm such a pessimist!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ladies, I could use some help here

Okay, I did something stupid. My project list has gotten a little out of hand. In terms of crafty projects only I have:

~ A sweater
~ A pair of Socks
~ 2 battle axes (I will present pictures when they are done)
~ *New* Cork Board Project

See, my mom and I were at the big kitchy-crap place (It's like Hobby Lobby merged with a home decor store) and I found some 6"x6" cork board squares. I grabed a couple packages and so did my mom. We were going to work together on making myself and my sister each a half-cork-board/half-fabric-covered-sytrofoam board system. After we got fabric at Hancock's, we had some creative differences.

So, we decided to have a contest, judged mostly on how put together and finished the board is, and less on creativity.

Materials so far:
-12 6"x6" cork board squares
- 1/2 yard of three different fabrics (pictured above)
-lime green rick-rack
-hot glue sticks, but no hot glue gun

My plan is to make a square board that is 5 squares by 5 squares (total of 25 squares). 13 will be fabric covered, 12 cork board. I'm going to Hobby Lobby tomorrow to look for styrofoam to make the fabric covered squares, and maybe some more decorating accessories. And elastic. Because I want to make the fabric covered ones (I guess they're...) French style message boards. That's the type that has the ribbon go in an x across the square and is held taught and you can slip things under the ribbons. And I will mount them on something and frame it with some molding and then paint the same sort of spirals on the molding.

What do I mount this sort of stuff to?
How do I mount it?
What do I use to attach fabric to styrofoam/other sorts of foam?
Where's my hot glue gun?
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fairy Auction!

Hey Ladies,

The impending Pink Fairy Auction has started. Again, please no one feel pressured to bid (in fact, if any of you would like a fairy I'll make one custom for cost and we'll work out the shipping)--but please do pass on this auction to anyone you know who might be interested!

Please take a look here.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Staircase wit

I was browsing around the internet and I found this lovely video that I thought I really should share with the beautiful women of the sisterhood.

Staircase Wit.

50 floppies + 2 hours = 1 CD

Red Sunflower in my garden!

I begged Mr. B to come with me to see Mama Mia! this weekend--he's a fan of that era of music, but thought the movie looked too "girly." Having seen it on stage before, I knew he would like it--afterwards, he said "it was the best movie he had seen in some time." Ladies, you all MUST see this movie--it's a comedy (like pee your pants funny) based on the music of ABBA (the music came first, then someone decided to make a play that fit the songs).

Over the last few weeks I found myself rooting through my old floppy disks trying to find older versions of a book I'm working on. This weekend Q and I had the sickening realization that the oldest desktop we own (between the two of us) didn't possess a floppy drive to read any of these disks. In horror, I realized that my USB floppy drive is the last one, and when it broke, all the information on my many lovely disks, a span of at least 10 years of my writer's life, would be lost forever.

Today I sat down and compiled them--all of them--into one comprehensive CD. I still have 3 Mac formatted disks which I couldn't read, and some of the file extensions were obsolete and therefore the data was unsaveable, but I managed to save probably 98%.

*Grumble* Someday I'll have to copy all of it again to some media that hasn't even been invented yet...