Monday, August 22, 2011


Well as of September 1st I will be joining the millions of Americans that do not have health insurance, I feel like now I am going to get really sick and go into even more debt. My insurance really wasn't covering much and making me pay a whole lot that kept going up. Well I will just have to take it one day at a time. Being without insurance is kinda scary even if it wasn't doing much for me in the first place.

1 comment:

Alula Borealis said...

I am very sorry to hear this, as well as to hear that the Man's job is in jeopardy. I am hoping for the best for both of you.

All I can say here is to be careful, and if you get hurt, go to the doctor. There are clinics for the uninsured, and I know of too many people who died because they had a problem (usually ongoing for a while) that they didn't have treated because they were afraid of the medical cost.

Bills can be paid--your life is priceless.