Sunday, October 30, 2011

I can't believe this is actually working

Well, I haven't started my new job yet.  For those of you who are counting, I was told I would likely start in late September/early October, because the background check process started in late August usually "takes about two weeks".  It is now the end of October, and I've been told by former colleagues and associates that they are only now receiving background check forms.  I wish I had been given a better time estimate, because it would have greatly affected when I left my last position.  But what can one do?

I've been using the time as constructively as possible to market myself and my book.  (Actually, books--I released another one this weekend.)  I am really excited about it, because having the books on sale actually works.  I have sold more than 10 copies to people I don't know.  I sold 2 copies of the sequel novel on the day it was released--also to people I don't know.  I have been told (by people I don't know) that they have really enjoyed the books.  As an introverted weird kid, this is all freaking me out a little, because I never thought actually trying to sell my books would work.  I currently have 5 star reviews on both Nook and Kindle that I did not ask for--readers spontaneously did this themselves.  How bizarrely weird and cool is that?

I guess only time will tell if it's beginner's luck, but I have my fingers crossed that it's a start to a writing career.  It would be absolutely neat-o if I could make enough money to justify staying at home and writing all day.


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