Friday, July 3, 2009

When it rains... pours.

My first sunflower of the season. Yes, it really does appear pink in real life--I have no idea how this one hybridized into pastel colors, because all of them last year were bright reds, oranges, yellows, or some dusted combination.

It's pouring in my life right now. Don't expect me to take your phone calls.

Mr. B's father had to be rushed to the hospital Wednesday morning due a blocked coronary artery. This is essentially a heart attack, but no one wants to say it around Mr. B's mother. The man is only 50, and he really didn't have that many risk factors. At the hospital they immediately inserted a device into his femoral artery and put in a stent to unblock the artery, and he was doing very well Wednesday evening. On Thursday (yesterday), he dislodged the plug that was put in his femoral artery from inserting the device for the stent, and had some significant internal bleeding in his leg. It was incredibly painful for him, and last night they had drugged him basically into a stupor to get him through it; seeing his father like that really didn't go over very well with Mr. B.

Mr. B is not well with this, and his whole family is pretty much in shock. Thursday evening he came on pretty strong about how we had to have a baby right now so that he wouldn't die alone in a hospital and there would be someone to remember him. Blame me if you want to--I told him I didn't think he was thinking clearly at the time and we'd discuss it later.

Last night, Ociffer and Snow finally delivered (their first attempt to induce was last Thursday at the hospital). It's a girl! She's absolutely beautiful in the pictures I've gotten, 7 pounds and some odd ounces, 19 and a quarter inches long. Full head of dark hair; Snow was apparently joking last night that her hair is already so long she might be able to braid it. I'm making the long drive later today to meet my new niece.

Other than that, I will be at the hospital with Mr. B and family, which I very strongly feel is where I belong right now. To cap it off, I have a group project worth half of my grade I was supposed to turn in today, and half of it isn't done yet because I lost Wednesday and Thursday as well.

Mr. B is supposed to be doing out of town work the rest of this month, and I don't know what's going to happen with that.



Munchkin said...

Oh dear God. You have gone through hell and back lately from the sound of it. If you need anything let me know and I will try to oblige. *HUG*

Fuzzy said...

Everything will be ok eventually even if it isn't now. Take everything one day at a time and untill you are out of school no babies belive me that was not easy to work school and have a baby at the same time but i still wouldn't trade the experience for anything let alone little man. if you need anything just let me know.

Q said...

Let us know if you need anything, stop by to water or something.