Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Drama, anyone?

Just teasing, Fuzzy!

And yes, it is the case that I have so much going on that I am hardly able to find time to update.  :P

I apologize.  I will try to do better.  Be advised, you may be able to find me on one of my *other* blogs, ahem, email me if you don't have the web address.

I am proud to announce that this week, ebook total sales passed the 50 book mark, with sales in January on track to be higher than November and December combined.  If this sales trend continues (unlikely, but possible) I may be able to consider it a career by the end of the year.  A review was given after the release of the third book stating that people "need" to read the series, because it is that good.

I'm working on my next series now, and hoping to "keep up the hype" by releasing it by the end of June.

In other news, the new job (the one that actually pays the bills) is working out well.  I take the bus because buying a $75/month bus pass--and that's the discount rate provided by my employer--is cheaper than paying $10/day for parking.  Learning the buses has been an experience.  I walk about two miles a day now getting between buses and work and home, and it's doing shapely things to my legs.

Mr. B and I are still shopping houses, though right now we have an offer in on one.  We'll see how it goes.


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