Saturday, December 22, 2012

To switch or not to switch

Ladies (and especially Fuzzy, who saw it on Facebook first),

Here's the deal: I have received a job offer!  yay!  It would pay about the same as I make now, but it is much closer to my new residence.  My current commute is 1.25-1.5 hrs each way, potential commute for offer is 7 minutes each way.

The work is relatively the same, but more in the technical realm (think database administrator/analyst, as opposed to statistician/analyst, which is what I do now).  The proposed job also deals more with financial type data, whereas now I deal with a broader range, including demographic, financial, budget, historical, etc.  The shorter commute would afford me more time to write, be around friends, and volunteer at the library, etc.

The problem I am having deciding has to do with the nature of the work, which goes in a direction I had previously not thought my career would go in.  Also, there have been some other changes at my current job that have destabilized the work environment, negatively impacting myself and some coworkers; I really like my current co-workers, and I worry that my leaving may also negatively impact them.  (Sorry to be vague there--email me if you want the specifics.)  I am leaning towards taking this new job, but am accepting thoughts and advice.

Q, yes, I noticed the tree stopped working this year, after a few years of declining functionality.  Oh well; it at least looks pretty with the fire and the snow.  I may try to program my own so that we have a working tree going forward.

Congrats to Q on her beautiful daughter!


1 comment:

Fuzzy said...

If you aren't happy with your current job then go for the new one. Don't worry about your co-workers I'm sure they would understand why yo are leaving and wishing they could to.