Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Holidays

Well it was the holidays and I survived a few days with my mother we cleaned her basement out and took a ton of stuff to ARC, the ironic part here is a lot of stuff we took to ARC was bought from ARC. My mother shops to much. I stole my sister from her parents for the week and she seems to be liking the break. my mother assumed I was taking her to watch little man while I do some stuff but I took her to give her a break from her parents and get her to do new stuff. Next week we are going to Nana's house for the week and get another holiday and let her see little man. Yesterday we went out on the snowmobiles and OUCH! I hurt today we watched Roberts friend build a jump for his snowboard and then attempt to use it and he kept crashing at least it was amusing. I fell off the snowmobile when Mr man went before I was holding on tight enough and OUCH. But don't blame him I wasn't paying attention and it was my fault. I may hurt today but it was still fun. My Dad bought me a $90 computer program and I wasn't expecting him to go for that it was a surprise and yeah he didn't even complain. I guess divorce is agreeing with him and he is trying to buy me I still don't know if I trust him yet. Well I'm going to try to make sesame chicken for dinner tonight. Wish me luck.

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